Trinidad Colorado – The Scenic Highway of Legends

I had occasion to spend ten days in the historic town of Trinidad Colorado. A town filled with friendly if somewhat reserved town folk. When not attending to business I had the chance to discover what Trinidad and southern Colorado had to offer. Trinidad is a small town of roughly 10,000 souls going about their business in a efficient but unhurried manner. I-25 runs by west of town carrying travelers either to New Mexico to the south or Denver and points past to the north. Trinidad is the halfway point between Albuquerque and Denver. Not everybody stops in Trinidad as they make their run down I-25 but enough do that the city can boast of having almost a half a million guests a year. The Santa Fe Trail is a big draw for history buffs. The town hosts a Santa Fe Trail Festival. A museum located in the 1870’s era Baca house tells the story of the Santa Fe trail. Trinidad is also known for having had Bat Masterson as their sheriff at one time The town also sports a historic downtown business district which is being slowly but surely restored. There is plenty to see downtown. An interesting mural is located at Mt. San Rapheal Hospital and depicts the history of Trinidad. The Coal Miners Memorial downtown honors those who worked in nearby coal mines which at one time were a very important part of the Trinidad economy. If you don’t care to walk you can take the Trinidad Trolley which offers free tours all day long. There is plenty to do in Trinidad and the people are helpful and very nice.

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One thing people suggested that I do was take a drive on something called the Highway Of Legends. Saturday morning I got up and headed west out of Trinidad taking hi way 12 on what would turn out to be one of the most beautiful drives I have ever taken. After driving for about an hour I ended up in Stonwall.
I needed something to drink so I stopped at the Picketwire Store where I meet the owners Dallas and Michele. They were very friendly and gave me further directions. I passed through the gap at Stonewall famous for the sandstone walls that tower above. Another fifteen minutes and I came to Monument Lake where the locals were busy fishing. They informed me that up ahead was Cuchara Pass which is the highest point on Hi way 12 on its way down to Cuchara. I could see the Spanish peaks up in the distance and they were a sight to behold. The West Spanish Peak has a elevation of 13,626 and its sister peak, East Spanish Peak tops out at 12683. Soon I was in San Isabel National Forest. Cuchara reminded me of an old cowboy town complete with hitching rail. Plan to spend some time there especially at the Dog Bar Saloon. I than headed to La Veta. Mother Nature must have been showing off because this was some of the most beautiful country I had seen in a long time. La Veta is a little mountain village filled with friendly people, antique shops and a old Spanish fort. It was getting late so I did not stay long but headed on to Walsenburg where I got onto Interstate 25 for the trip back to Trinidad.

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If you enjoy beautiful country and are not in a hurry I highly recommend the Highway Of Legends trip. The people are friendly all along the route and the view is nothing short of incredible.
