Treating Acne: University Medical AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System Versus Nature’s Cure Anti-Acne Papaya Skin Care System

I have been battling acne since I hit puberty roughly two decades ago. As an adult, severe hormone imbalances have made this condition that much worse. I have tried many different products in an attempt to have “normal” skin with little luck. Whenever possible, I try to stick with natural remedies and products that are naturally based. Having read about the benefits of papaya enzyme on skin problems, I was thrilled when I found Nature’s Cure Anti-Acne Papaya Skin Care System at my local Rite Aid Pharmacy.

The price of the Nature’s Cure Papaya system was about $19.00 and included a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. The first thing I noticed upon opening the bottles was the wonderful scent. It was fruity, tropical, and very appealing. Beyond that, it was pretty much downhill. The cleanser was surprisingly thin and was the consistency of liquid coffee creamer. It had little to no foaming action so I found myself having to use more than I would have thought was necessary. After rinsing, my skin was clean enough, but did not display anything out of the ordinary or spectacular.

The Nature’s Cure Papaya toner left my skin very sticky. I felt almost like I had used sugar water on my skin. This was to be followed up with the Nature’s Cure Papaya Anti-Acne Moisturizer. What a sloppy mess that was! It did not absorb very well and left my skin feeling heavy and greasy. The sticky factor was still present and I found myself running to put my makeup on to get rid of the tacky feeling. But the worst part about all of this was that my acne actually got worse. I saw no improvement with my existing blemishes and within a day or so I was developing a brand new crop. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.

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This led me on a quest for a new and improved solution to my acne situation. Upon recommendation of a friend, I bought the University Medical AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System from Wal-Mart at the whopping price of around $27.00. I’ll admit I was hesitant to shell out that amount of money and not be 100% sure I was going to see results. But, I took a leap of faith and left the store with the system in hand.

The University Medical AcneFree Severe system includes an antibacterial cleansing wash, corrective toner, maximum strength repair lotion, and retinol renewal complex. I cannot emphasize how bad my skin had gotten when I started this system. It had developed to the point that I was embarrassed to leave my home without heavy makeup to cover all of the blemishes. I was even starting to feel my overall health was suffering due to the many small infections I was harboring.

The scent of the University Medical products is medicinal and unremarkable. The cleansing wash foamed adequately (although still not as much as I prefer) and it has some exfoliating properties about it. After rinsing it off my skin felt sanitary and clean. I will warn you that you should not use your favorite washcloths while rinsing this product off of your face. It is so strong with benzoyl peroxide that it actually bleached out my washcloth overnight! Now that is some serious action!

The corrective toner had a nice sting to it, which always makes me feel like it’s working. I then applied the maximum strength repair lotion, which is 10% time-released benzoyl peroxide. The retinol renewal complex is to be used at night and not at the same time as the repair lotion. It indicated that it could sting a bit, but I did not experience any of that. After each complete treatment with the products (morning and night) my skin felt medicated…like I had actually done something to get rid of the acne.

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Within twenty-four hours the largest of the infected blemishes had shrunk and were starting to heal. I noted that the perimeter of each of the worst pimples was starting to heal and had new skin forming. The texture of my skin was completely different, even soliciting comments from my husband. The only problem I still am having is extreme oiliness. I have to use oil-absorbing sheeting several times a day to keep this under control. I think that is a trait of mine that will not go away. Having open pores will allow the oil to be able to flow out easier. The good news is that the acne is disappearing and that is all that matters.

Comparing the two, there is no contest. The University Medical AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System completely outperforms the Nature’s Cure Anti-Acne Papaya Skin Care System. As a matter of fact, the Nature’s Cure system is not even remotely in the same league as the University Medical system. Although I paid a good $10.00 more for the better system, it was money well spent. I only wish I had not wasted my money on the Nature’s Cure system and had used it to go towards the real winner of this competition. If you have a serious acne problem you must try University Medical AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System. You’ll be happy you did!
