Treat Common Baby Ailments with Reflexology

Reflexology has been used for centuries and is a method that adults are using to help cure or relieve a number of different ailments by allowing circulation and blocked energy and toxins to be released. Reflexology, is a gateway for the body to heal itself. Reflexology can be administered to babies and chidren in the same manner in which adults recieve treatments, by using less pressure. Stimulating your child’s natural healing energy can be vital in a time crisis. Regular treatments, boost the immune system and prevents illness. Most babies are not born fearful, in normal circumstances therefore they are not tense and scared as newborns, and the life force of energy will flow without restraint or stiffness. Parents and siblings can carefully and gently give treatments to tiny feet not only to soothe the discomfort of colic or teething, but reflexology massage with newborn babies is a nurturing & bonding experience with the precious new member of the family. Babies and children who receive regular reflexology treatments are more likely to be resistant to common ailments like coughs, colds, as well as upset stomach.

Newborn baby’s common discomforts afterbirth are not always a cause for serious concern. If your baby under 3 months of age has a high temperature of 102 degrees, fast breathing where their chest pulls in, diarrhea, or vomiting, fits or seizures, screaming with legs drawn up and stomach doesn’t relax between screams, these are reasons or causes of concern, where a physician should be notified immediately. Otherwise simple reflexology methods may be used for digestive upsets, especially if baby is adjusting to formula, like most babies today. All formulas containing iron including soy based formula are all so far from the natural breast milk. Natural breast milk is designed solely for each individual baby and is easy to digest.

Formulas can cause severe stomach irritations and gas pain causing babies to experience discomfort, until they adjust to it. Teething varies with each baby. Digestive issues and teething pain will ease with foot reflexology. In different areas of the world, moms make full-body massage apart of baby’s routine. An infant’s foot is so small that it takes very little time to massage or work the entire sole of the foot with your thumb or finger. You would not want to knead into the foot as you would yourself or another adult. A gentle massage of baby’s reflexes is just as efficient. Use gentle pressure only. Baby’s feet are sensitive and still developing. Work on each foot for 5 minutes. It is safe to work or repeat every hour if necessary until baby settles to sleep.

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Get a book on reflexology to help guide you. The Family Guide to Reflexology by Ann Gillanders, is one of the best books with accurate easy to follow hand and reflexology charts for the entire family. If you do not want to purchase this book, just go to your local library and check it out, make (colored) copies of the charts. Foot Reflexology charts for baby and children are vivid and clear in the book. Finding a free chart for babies and children on line to reference are hard to find. You may even want to get one laminated or framed and keep it in your baby’s changing area, or nursery for reference. Right after diaper changes, or your newborns bath you can administer the gentle treatments to keep your baby comforted and well.

Until the age of 3 years old children’s feet generally are oval in form since the arches are not developed. Small feet are easy to treat and cover the whole foot with tiny forward movements of the thumb, work up from the base of baby’s heel to the point where the toes join the foot. Massage this way across the foot to the outside edge, repeat on the left foot in the same manner; make sure you cover all the energy zones and on most of baby’s body systems. Certain common ailment s of newborns responds well to more of concentrated work on one or more areas.

After a Traumatic Birth

A traumatic birth for baby could come from undergoing induced labor procedures, breeched positioned babies, being born by forceps delivery, or long intense labor. Help to offset the trauma to baby. A cranial osteopathic doctor (trained to treat injuries to bones &muscles;) is beneficial in these circumstances. The osteopath can visit you in hospital or an appointment can be made shortly after the birth of baby.

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Reflexology Treatment for Trauma

Along with general massage treatment mentioned, concentrate more on the spine, head and neck areas. This will help improve the circulation to these areas that were particularly under stress during the birth and delivery process. Look at your baby foot reflexology chart for reference. Massage these noted areas on the chart a minute or so, when the time is convenient for you and baby.

Working the Head & Neck Areas

Support the top of baby’s foot with your right hand, with left thumb; apply pressure to the general area beneath and over the toes. Repeat on left foot.

Working the Spine

Support right foot with left hand and massage the spine reflexes that are on the side or edge of baby’s foot. Start massage on the side of foot, up to the top of the big toe. Again repeat on the opposite foot.

Calming Colic

In the first few weeks of birth, excessive crying after you know baby has been fed, burped, changed, and not in any pain, the crying could be due to colic. Colic is said to be caused by an underdeveloped digestive system. Babies that are premature with low birth weight and traumatic birth experiences sometimes cause babies to have symptoms of colic.

Reflexology Treatment for Colic

Treating the foot for about 5 minutes or so may relieve colic. Work from the base of foot to heal where the toes join with the foot, covering the digestive system and intestinal areas. Improving circulation in these parts helps with absorption in digestive system and elimination of waste (bowel movement). You will know that t your treatments are working if you hear a lot of rumbling and gurgles or bubbles in baby’s stomach. This is normal. It is a sign of increased muscular activity in stomach and bowel, which definitely reduces the pain of colic, caused by trapped air or wind in lower bowel.

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Tips#-For breast feeding moms, you can help colic while stimulating babies milk supply at the same time. (Complete two jobs in one) by drinking a strong infusion of chamomile tea with cinnamon, cardamom, or fennel blended together choose a sweetener of choice (maple syrup or organic sugar).Sip this down before breastfeeding and the traces of these herbs or spices known to aid in digestion will pass onto baby through the breast milk, therefore helping baby’s digestion naturally.

If baby is over 3 months old chamomile tea can be given to babies who still suffer from colic in a bottle. The tea is very calming and soothing for digestion. Prepare tea, allow cool, adding mild sweetener and giving to baby.

Working the Digestive System /Part 1

Supports the right foot with your left hand, use right thumb to work over the entire heal area. Do this movement gently 2 or 3 times.

Working the Digestive System/Part 2

Apply gentle pressure across middle area of foot, from the inside to the outside edge. Repeat both steps on the left foot.

Teething Babies

Teeth coming in can cause some babies an extreme amount of stress followed by side effects such as fever, diarrhea, sore gums etc.

Reflexology for Teething

Your goal with the treatment is to calm baby and reduce temperature. Gentle work on the whole foot should soothe baby. Massage both feet equally.

Daily mild reflexology treatments can ensure your baby’s road to good health.

resource:The Family Guide to Reflexology