Topic Ideas for Argumentative Essays

Do you need to write an argumentative essay for an assignment? There are so many topics you have to chose from. Find a topic you passionate about, and your essay will be easy to write. Here are a few topic ideas for argumentative essays:

1) Should marijuana be legalized in the united states?
2) Should the legalization of marijuana be a state law or left up to the federal government to enforce?
3) Are colleges and schools just for either all girls or all boys fair or are they sexist?
4) Should high schools handout condoms to their students to prevent teen pregnancy and stds?
5) Should corporal punishment be used to punish children?
6) Should the US drinking age be lowered or raised from age 21?
7) Does religion cause most wars?
8) Does homework really help students learn or does it just cause unnecessary stress on students?
9) Are school uniforms a good or bad idea?
10) Should the death penalty be used in the United States?
11) Should Animals be used for scientific research?
12) How young is too young to have your own cellphone?
13) Should immigrants to the US be required to learn English before being granted citizenship?
14) Should those applying for Welfare be drug tested?
15) Should abortions be illegal?
16) Are humans becoming too dependent on technology?
17) Should elderly drivers be required to retake the drivers test after a certain age to ensure they are still in good condition to drive! If so, at what age?
18) Are fast food chains killing people?
19) Should those receiving government assistance have a limit on the number of children they can receive help for?
20) Should same sex marriage be legal?
21) Should news reporters be required to share their sources with viewers?
22) What role, if any, should the federal government take in dealing with the problem of homelessness?
23) Should women also be required to sign up for the draft at age 18 in the US?
24) Should those younger than 13 be allowed to have a Facebook or Myspace (or other social networking account)?
25) Should public school teachers be randomly drug tested as a condition for employment?
26) What should the voting age be in the US?
27) Is year-round school a good idea or bad?
28) Should sexual education begin in elementary, middle, or high school?
29) Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?
30) Should the families of organ donors be compensated for their loved one’s donation?

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Once you have picked out a topic, it is time to do a little research. Good argumentative essays will talk about both the pros and cons of the issue, but will mainly focus on one side. Your goal with an argumentative essay should be to persuade the reader to see your side of the issue for your specific topic.