Top Workout DVDs for Men to Get Fit

It doesn’t matter if its summer or winter, every men’s fitness magazine that wants your attention has some male model on it with abs so perfect you could wash your clothes on them. You might say it’s not fair or it’s just genetics, or maybe you are saying it’s about time. Every now and then one of the television networks will run a story about how we are getting so fat that the earth is tilting. It’s not true, and they generally show headless butterball turkey shaped people walking around which causes you to smirk and be glad that you don’t look like they do.

If you want to get in shape you have to know that it won’t happen overnight, a lot of people just don’t want to commit so they never start anything that has to do with exercise. Summer is coming and eventually you will have to shed your comfy baggy clothes, listed below is a list of top workout DVDs for men. Women can benefit from some of these workout videos as well but I’ll be focusing on the men’s aspect this time. Usually the newest fad to hit the market is considered the best since they have researched all the others and can improve on what has already been accomplished. Slick marketing is helpful too. Sometimes a new DVD comes along that appeals to the masses and is created to sell tapes in order to get you to participate in the sport as well.

Power 90 In-Home Book Camp

This workout program is designed for both men and women but with a male fitness trainer on the box most guys will be drawn towards it. Although this is the tamer version of the P90 choices by Beach Body it still claims to help you transform your body in 90 days, guaranteed. The whole point of this exercise program is to get you up and moving, all of the workouts are designed for in home use so heading to the gym isn’t necessary. These workouts are designed for people who need a starting point, it comes with a calendar to help you track your progress and each day it tells you which workout to do. There are 6 DVDs included and Tony Horton is the main trainer of this program. Having a scheduled DVD to work out to is helpful, and if you stick with the program you will see results. For more information or to purchase this workout DVD check out their website.

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You have probably seen this infomercial a million times and since it’s the more advanced version of the Power 90 family my wife and I chose this one, actually I turned 41 and this is the first time I’ve seen my age showing. This workout series is revolutionary because the whole concept is based on “muscle confusion” and never hitting a plateau, that is when you hit the ceiling and can’t go any further in your workout. P90X, the X stands for extreme and believe me it is. The first week was hard and pretty soon you realize how much you need to be eating and drinking to keep up with Tony Horton and his band of fitness participants.

P90X comes with 12 DVDs and each day you will do something different, it helps to know that if you want ripped abs you will surely get them if you stick with the program. One day you will be doing core exercises and the next day you might be doing Kenpo X. Yoga is the longest DVD in the series, you will be sweating like you just ran a marathon but your feet never leave the floor. It comes with a nutrition plan and lets you know the best foods to eat for each meal. You will spend a lot of time in the kitchen but it’s worth it, while losing pounds and inches you’ll become a pretty talented chef with all the meals you get to create. For me this is the best program I have seen because it involves all aspects of weight loss and how to build lean muscle. This program is available on line.

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The Pit Workout

This workout is for hardcore MMA fans. MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts, since the rise of cage fighting on all the circuits of boxing and beyond people were looking for a way to train like the guys who jab for a paycheck. Although this workout isn’t designed to give you a magazine cover body it is designed to give you the methods of training for any high endurance sport. It’s gritty and the commercial reality of it may never make it on television which makes this an underground type of workout. If you want to learn self defense then this might be right up your alley.


Billy Blanks was once the only guy on television pushing fitness videos back in the early 90s. His product flooded the markets and introduced a new type of cardio-boxing exercise program. I bought a few of his videos but that was before the internet and all the marketing that is available now. He is still around because nobody has duplicated his trademark style, and nobody should try. Tae-Bo is a combination name from Taekwondo and Boxing. He recently introduced Billy Blanks Bootcamp. Billy was once a person trainer for Paula Abdul. Although he might be outdated compared to other personal trainers he is still very functional when it comes to getting and staying in shape.

There are a few other workout DVDs for men on the market but Yoga workouts are not marketed towards men. We need something that has some impact and we can see proven results. Remember is all about the will to workout and make yourself healthier, there is a fine line between vanity and fitness. If you are looking for a workout program that allows you to break a sweat then all the DVDs listed will do just that. Research each one and decide which program will work for you. Remember to consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

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Power 90 In-Home Boot Camp


The Pit Workout
