Top Ten Small Dogs

If you’re thinking of buying a small dog you may want consider the characteristics of the breeds listed as the top ten small dogs. Besides simply considering the most popular dogs it’s important to have a list of characteristics you want in your pet. Even if the breed you choose is not popular you will be better satisfied if you match you expectations to the pet you choose.

Some questions to ask may be: how much time do I have to give to this dogs care? Does the dog shed? Will his coat require lots of daily care? How much exercise will this dog need? How big will the dog get? Is this dog known to be a yapped? Is the dog good with children? These are just a few of the questions to consider before picking a new puppy.

Below is a list of the top ten most popular dogs with a few of their characteristics.

  • 1. Yorkshire Terrier-trainable, good with older children, good watchdog, needs moderate exercise, longhaired and requires occasional brushing and every 6 weeks clipping, good at agility.
  • 2. Beagle-stubborn and hard to train, excellent with children and does well with other pets, short haired easy care coat, barks a lot when lonely, hard to housebreak, needs a good deal of exercise, average as a watch dog.
  • 3. Dachshund (Longhaired)-moderately hard to train, good with older children, good guard dog, hard to house train, coat easy to care for, moderate exercise needs, good with other dachshund hounds.
  • 4. Papillion-very trainable, considered one of the top obedience dogs, does well in agility competitions, good with older children, needs only occasional brushing but sheds a lot, needs a fair amount of exercise for his size, fairly easy to house train and good watch dog though very friendly.
  • 5. Chihuahua(longhaired)-stubborn, very good watch dog, is not friendly with strangers, may be O.K. for older children, needs little exercise, coat is easy to care for, medium shedder, may tend to be frequent barker, known to be hard to house train.
  • 6. Pomeranian-very trainable, eager to please, O.K. with older children, good watchdog, coat is heavy with thick undercoat and require daily brushing, sheds frequently, overheats easily.
  • 7. Toy Poodle-smart, trainable, good family dog but because of size need to supervise young children, virtually no shedding, very good watch dog, needs a good deal of exercise for his size, fairly easy to house train.
  • 8. Boston Terrier-strong-willed but gentle and loving, good family dog, good watchdog but does not bark excessively, short haired easy coat care, low to moderate exercise needs, hard to house train, tends to drool and be gassy, shed a good deal.
  • 9. French Bulldog-stubborn, not easy to train but loving and sweet natured, good family dog, short haired medium shedder, easy coat care, doesn’t need much exercise, not a great watch dog, doesn’t bark much.
  • 10. Miniature Schnauzer-easy to train, good watch dog but not yappy, low shedder, coat gets clipped, good with children, needs fair amount of exercise.
See also  Toy Poodles and Health Concerns

That’s my top ten small dogs list. Many other small dog breeds exist. Do your research and pick the tight dog for you.
