Top Ten Reasons to Leave Your Job

You’ve done everything in your will power to sustain your current job position. But your current job is not working. There are ten top reasons why you might want to quit your job. Although not all of these reasons will pertain to your job situation. This is to merely evaluate major reasons to leave your job and if any apply to your situation then you will know it is time to call it quits.

  • No company is perfect, although there will be times when your company will excel and times when they are down in the dumps. But if your company has been on a downhill spiral and has no strategy to get back in the race then its time to start looking for another job before you are laid off.
  • You are not receiving the raise you were promised. Raises can be complex because every job has different requirements to be qualified for a raise. If your manager promised you a raise within a certain time or for a certain quality of work and you know you have fulfilled those requirements or the time has come up and you see no raise then you have an untrustworthy manager and him or she is not worth your time.
  • Your life situation has changed. For instance if you recently got married or had a baby and your job hours or salary no longer provides for your family’s needs then its time to look for a job that can accommodate to your new lifestyle.
  • Working overtime and not getting paid is by far one of the worst issues on a job. There may be times when your job can use an extra hand but if you’re not gaining anything from it but more personal time stolen from you then you should talk about it with your manager or leave your job because they’re treating you unfairly.
  • When you stop having fun with your job. 9 out of 10 times if you’re considered working at a job then you’re probably not having fun regardless of what you do but if you have a career and you’re not having fun then you can either go back to college and start another career or your best option is to find another company within your career that satisfies your desires. For example: Lebron James was unhappy with his career with the Cleveland Cavaliers so he changes the team he played for to the Miami Heat.
  • Your coworkers dislike you. Unless they are jealous of your current advancement then they most likely don’t like you because you are a lousy coworker. You behave improperly, missed too many days at work, failed to keep your required skills persistent. If you are disliked because you are a lousy coworker then it is best to start fresh with a new job. Once you gain a poor reputation at work it is generally hard to bring it back up and probably not worth the stress.
  • You don’t like your coworkers. So its not you causing problems on the job and it’s your coworkers who acts like douche bags. If you can’t get along with your coworkers because your job requires group activity and your teammates are slacking on their part then change to a job where everyone can work single. Or find a job where everyone enjoys team work.
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You’re so stressed at work that it is affecting your family and friends. No job is worth the cost of good family and friends. If your job stresses you so much that you take it out on your family then that is a major problem and you should find another job asap before you lose what is most important to you; your family.

  • Flirty coworker. This merely applies to married men and women. If you have a flirty coworker and you find yourself starting to give in the temptation of an affair then you better leave the job soon and seek therapy with your spouse. No job is worth have the guilt of adultery on your heart.
  • The top ten reasons to leave your job are because you’re not being challenged. This mostly applies to a career. You worked hard for four years in college so what is the point of all that knowledge you learn if it’s not going to be put to use. If you want more responsibilities and seek opportunities that don’t exist with your current job then it is a waste of time. Life is too short for jobs that are mediocre to your needs.