Top Ten Gifts for College Kids

Dorm life is a lifestyle like no other, and college kids are a unique and special breed. After interviewing several college students living in the dorms of several different colleges, I have compiled a list of things that college students would love to receive as gifts.

1. FOOD!!!
Overwhelmingly, every college student I talked to said that food gifts are definitely high on their list of favorites. Even though most students have a meal plan, the food at many schools is not always delicious, and sometimes class schedules conflict with cafeteria schedules, and students are forced to skip meals. Plus, meal plans cover regular meals, but everyone wants a snack every now and then. Here are some food gift ideas submitted by college students:
– homemade chocolate chip cookies
– any food that can be made with just hot water
gift cards to restaurants or fast food places near campus

2. Small Appliances
Along the lines of the food idea, college students appreciate anything that will make eating anytime easier. Do some research and find out what kind of appliances students are provided in the dorms, what appliances they are allowed to have, and what appliances this particular student already has. Make sure that you buy the smallest of these appliances, as space is almost always an issue for students living in dorms. Here are some ideas for appliance gifts:
– small microwave
– very mini refrigerator
– coffee maker
– electric tea kettle
Check out the super compact appliances this website offers.

3. Target Gift Cards
Target is one of those chain stores that is pretty much everywhere, and has pretty much everything. Students can use Target gift cards to buy anything from clothes, to hygiene products, or a new CD.

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4. Transportation
Yes, that’s right, you can give the gift of transportation home. Even students who are very involved and have many friends get home sick once in a while, and could benefit from a trip home for the weekend. If the student goes to school out of state, consider giving a gift card to an airline, so the student can fly home. If the student lives fairly close by, consider a train ticket voucher. If the student has his/her own car, and lives within driving distance, give a gas gift card! Many students would travel home more often if they could afford the gas to get there.

5. Bean bag chair
I’m not talking about the cheap $15 kind of bean bag chair that you can get at Wal-Mart, but a really nice- maybe even leather- bean bag chair. Space for furniture is limited in a college dorm, which is why a bean bag is perfect! It is versatile enough to be shoved in a closet or on top of their bed if space is needed, but it is as comfy, if not more, than a couch, for when the student just wants to chill. has some great deals on large, comfy bean bag chairs.

6. Blankets
Comfy, yet compact, is a great motto when searching for gifts for college students. A blanket to cuddle with, or to throw on top of their bed during the colder months, is a great idea! My favorite blanket is this great down throw that I received as a gift one Christmas. It is great for cuddling up to watch TV, plus it is super warm. The best part- it folds up super small!
This one from Target comes in several different colors, and includes free shipping!

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7. Sentimental Stuff – Particularly Photos
When students go away to college, they are certain to miss their friends and family from home. Sentimental gifts- anything reminding them of good times with friends and family from home- are always the best! Consider photo gifts, or even just a box full of photo prints of friends and family. Along these lines, photo albums, desktop picture frames, stuff to hang photos up with (that won’t damage the walls), or a memo board, will be greatly appreciated!

8. Quarters
This may sound like a strange idea, but for those of us who prefer to give money anyway, it’s great. A roll or two of quarters is particularly great for laundry, but can also be used for vending machines or parking meters. This is a great idea for a busy student.

9. Video Game System and/or accesories
If you are looking to spend a lot of money on a gift, consider purchasing a video game system. Find out if the student currently has any video game systems, so you don’t buy the same one, and if the student has a TV in their dorm. If they have a TV in their dorm, then consider the newest, coolest gaming console- the XBOX 360.
If the student does not have a TV, try the PSP. It is a handheld video game system that also plays movies, so if they don’t have a TV, this will be an added bonus.
If the student already has a video game system, consider purchasing accessories such as games or books with cheat codes.
10. Shampoo and Conditioner
This probably sounds like a very funny gift idea, but a broke and busy college student will certainly appreciate not having to use their precious spending money to buy this. You could even think about buying a really big bottle of expensive salon brand shampoo or conditioner, particularly if it is a girl with longer hair. Most college students are not going to spend their money on a luxury like this, but will truly be grateful for it!

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Whatever gift you choose, consider sending it in the mail before the student returns home for the holidays. Christine Garon, a student at Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo, suggested that any useful gift is great, but added “Whatever it is, send it through the mail. I was always SO excited to get mail in the dorms.”