Top Ten Gift Ideas for Two Year Olds

Whether it is for Christmas or a birthday, two year olds need things that will help them learn, explore and create.

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Two Year Olds:

1. TMX Tickle Me Elmo

Tickle Me Elmo is still the gift to give. This season’s version is new and improved. TMX Tickle Me Elmo can be found anywhere between $35.00 – $50.00.

For those with tighter budgets, an adorable option is the Chicken Dance Elmo which can be found for $10.00 – $20.00.

Regardless, Elmo is a “Movie Star” to two years olds which makes any Elmo a hit anytime of the year.

2. Books

A two year old’s natural curiosity lends to books. They enjoy the simple act of turning pages and the surprise of seeing what’s next.

Some toddler books have textures and sounds. Others have flaps to open, and pieces to move. You can find cloth, washable and even heavy cardboard books for your toddler. Even so, do not be afraid to buy your two year old an old-fashioned nursery rhyme treasury. The time spent sitting in an adult’s lap reading together is a valuable gift.

3. Bumble Ball

Bumble balls are battery operated heavy duty balls with bouncy rubber protrusions jutting from it’s center. The protrusions look like spikes with flat tips. When a bumble ball is turned on, it bounces uncontrollably on the floor. If your two year old is holding the ball while turned on, it will jiggle and jumble in their hands. They will have difficulty holding onto it, which is part of the fun. These things eat batteries like candy, but the laugh factor is well worth it.

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4. Art Supplies

Help your two year old explore the world of arts and crafts by giving them a variety of art supplies. Every two year old needs finger paints, crayons and construction paper, but there are dozens of other art supplies they can safely use.

Some suggestions: stickers, thick paint brushes, clay, and wiggle eyes.

Cool craft suggestion: Have them finger paint on stretched canvas that you can hang up in their bedroom.

5. Sunglasses

Not only do two year olds love to wear and play with sunglasses, but this is a practical gift. It’s fun to a toddler to see the world in tinted colors, so they will wear them for fun. This makes it easy for parents to encourage their two year olds to wear them outdoors and in the car when it’s important to protect their eyes.

6. Building Blocks or Lincoln Logs

Building blocks and Lincoln Logs are a standard toy for youngsters of many ages. Manufacturers make larger and safer sizes for the world’s youngest architects, your two year old. Many two year olds will be more interested in tearing apart their playmate’s creations in the beginning, which is why it is important to get on the floor and build things with your toddler. As they learn and figure out how these new toys work, they will slowly begin creating on their own. Building blocks and Lincoln Logs are toys that grow with your child.

7. Plastic Tea Set

Many people believe that tea sets are for older children, but two year olds are rapidly exploring the world they live in and find anything “grown up” fascinating. They enjoy mimicking behaviors, and once they understand what this toy is used for, you will find every visitor to your home will be offered a cup of tea from your little one.

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8. Cars

Since a two year old cannot safely explore your vehicles, they need a substitute to aid in their learning. Parents are often surprised to see how their child plays with the first car they are given as they already know what they do. Toddlers will put the car on the floor and move it around and may even make “car” noises.

9. Dress Up Items

Dress up items give two year olds another outlet to mimic behaviors and learn more about the world they live in. Stores sell hundreds of dress up items for girls, but parents will find more and more items showing up on the shelves for their sons.

Besides regular retail outlets, look in thrift and second hand stores for hats, shoes and accessories that your two year old would love to play with.

10. Chair

A child’s size chair is a huge thing to a two year old. They can get in and out of it all by themselves, which is a big deal. Their feet touch the floor and they can drag it around. The best thing about this gift is that when your back is turned, they can sit, rather than stand, as they create crunched up cereal and juice decoupage on your lovely coffee table.