Top Ten Dramatic Films

I like to fancy myself a movie buff. I intend to write Candice’s Top Ten (insert genre here) for every possible category I can think of, or that are suggested to me. Right now, I present to you. . .

Candice’s Top Ten Dramatic Movies

10Steel Magnolias
Okay, this is the first of a few tear-jerkers on this list. I may surprise some people (particularly mas13 and Dionne25, who know my taste in movies) by including films such as this on my list. Anyway, this is a star-studded cast performing a movie (based on a stage play) about relationships between women in the South. Bring the tissues, and watch it with your best friend.

9Erin Brockovich
Everyone knows the movie that made Julia Roberts an early Oscar Contender for the year 2000! A story about a working-class and out-of-luck woman who helps a small law firm tackle an enormous corporation — And win. It’s based on a true story, although it seems like it could have been created by John Grisham.

8Patch Adams
Yet another true story. This time, Robin Williams stars as the title character, who is trying to make something out of his life by becoming a doctor that makes people laugh. (Laughter is the best medicine!) A lot of really touching moments, and I actually felt bad when Monica Potter’s character kicked the bucket.

7A League of Their Own
Alright, people classify this one as a comedy. I disagree. Any movie that can bring tears to my eyes, unless I’m laughing really hard, is a drama in my book. Not only does it deal with baseball, but it deals with the relationships of women. This one has made it onto several of my lists.

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We all know and love the story played out for us by Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze, and Whoopie Goldberg. A husband dies. His spirit connects to his widow through a medium. They figure out what happened. They say goodbye. Husband walks into bright light. *sob*

5Mr. Holland’s Opus
Richard Dreyfus is amazing in this movie about a music teacher with a deaf son, and how he effects the lives of the students he teaches throughout the years. This one really hit close to home for me, as my mother is an Art Teacher. It’s nice to see Dreyfus in a serious role every now and again.

4A Time To Kill
Samuel Jackson really brings John Grisham’s book to life on the silver screen. A little black girl is raped and killed by a couple of white rednecks. The father (played by Jackson) goes nuts and kills the rednecks (who deserved to die, in my humble opinion) in cold blood.

WOOHOO! Demi Moore, a boss, seduces Michael Douglas, her employee, then fires him for not going along with her desires. Moore is such a DIVA in this film! I love it.

2Presumed Innocent
Oh, Harrison, how you tug at my heart strings. Mr. Ford is a powerful lawyer that is having an affair with a woman that gets killed. Of course, he is put on trial. There are a lot of twists and turns, so I won’t spoil the ending by telling you who did it and how it ends.

This is an obscure movie by David Mamet with a cast of two– William H. Macy and some chick that just can’t act to save her life. I LOVE this movie. A college professor (Macy) is accused of raping a student and his life falls apart around him. It just shows how a little exaggeration can turn into a whole world of trouble. And, your reaction to the ending will surprise the heck out of you!

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Well, that’s it. I know that there are a great deal of movies that didn’t make my list (Regarding Henry, Fried Green Tomatoes, Shawshank Redemption), but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like them. Be sure to keep reading for other Top Tens I will publish!