Top Ten Celebrity Mug Shot Photos – The Men

Celebrities are used to being photographed, but usually under better circumstances. Without the stylists, the professional photographers, the make up artists and lighting, a celebrity tends to look less like a celebrity and more like an average joe. That’s what makes celebrity mug shots so interesting. Celebrity mug shot photos bring the rich and famous a little more down to earth.

With that in mind here are the top ten celebrity mug shot photos men’s edition. Of course the big question remains, should you smile for a mug shot photo or not?

10. Steve McQueen
The “King of Cool” even looks cool in his mug shot. You’d think he might have gotten a few tickets for his famous car chase through the streets of San Francisco in Bullitt, which you can see HERE, but no. He was arrested in Anchoarage, Alaska for drunk driving.

To see this celebrity mug shot photo, click HERE.

9. O.J. Simpson
One of the most infamous celebrity mug shots in history, Simpson was arrested in 1994 and charged with murdering his wife, Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. Although Simpson was found innocent by a jury, no one else was ever charged for these brutal murders.

To see this celebrity mug shot photo, click HERE.

8. Keanu Reeves
Whoa. Neo got arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol? Say it ain’t so.

To see this celebrity mug shot photo, click HERE.

7. Larry King
Christmas of 1971 wasn’t particularly good for Larry King. Five days earlier he was arrested for grand larceny and passing bad checks. And this guy interviews presidents?

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To see this celebrity mug shot, click HERE.

6. Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey was arrested in Austin, Texas after a neighbor complained to the police about blaring music coming from McConaughey’s home. Police arrived to find McConaughey dancing naked and playing the bongos with a buddy. Obviously that’s not enough to warrant an arrest, but the marijuana the police found, was. The case ended with a $50 fine, but it’s Matthew McConaughey’s expression and the story behind it that earned this photo a shot at the top ten.

To see this celebrity mug shot, click HERE.

5. Pee Wee Herman
So what lessons can be learned from the 1991 arrest of Pee Wee Herman (Paul Reubens)? Maybe that if you’re the star of a popular children’s show, and your name is Pee Wee, you shouldn’t hang out in X-rated theaters. Pun intended. Maybe he thought the goatee would keep him from being recognized.

To see this celebrity mug shot, click HERE. The top photo is of Reubens’ 2001 arrest. The bottom mug shot photos are from his 1991 arrest.

4. Mel Gibson
Man, even hammered (or under suspicion of being hammered), the guy’s still good looking. Too bad he had to open his mouth.

To see this celebrity mug shot photo, click HERE.

3. Hugh Grant
Okay so you’re married to one of the most beautiful women in the world, Elizabeth Hurley. You’re one of the biggest stars in the world. Life is good. You know what would make it complete? Hanging out with a prostitute named Divine Brown in your BMW and doing things you shouldn’t. Winner of the “What Was I Thinking?” Award for 1995, Hugh Grant. Here’s a mug shot that says – ooops.

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To see this celebrity mug shot photo, click HERE.

2. Nick Nolte

This celebrity mug shot says it all. On September 11, 2002, Nolte was arrested for driving under the influence. But what makes this mug shot special is the hair. Gotta be the hair.

To see this celebrity mug shot photo, click HERE.

1. Hmmmm…

So who could number one be? What very famous face has a dark, criminal past? The answer may surprise you.

To see who possesses the number one celebrity mug shot photo, and who answers the question – should you smile for a mug shot photo or not, click HERE.