Top Romance Authors to Read

Within every genre there are authors who are the top writers of their genre. They are the authors whose books contain every element that makes a novel a good read, better yet, a great read. Within the mystery genre it is James Patterson or John Grisham; Christian fiction has Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. Romance genre has its top authors who beat out all others in style, theme, plot, realism and so much more. There are many different elements that make a top author just that a top author. Many people don’t read romance novels thinking they are full of smutty scenes and I admit I was one of those people until I started reading romance novels. Here are five of the top authors in the romance genre.

Sherrilyn Kenyon: Sherrilyn Kenyon is the author of the Dream Hunter and Dark Hunter series. She is well known among the paranormal romance scene. Her novels deal with gods, goddess, their sons and daughters, as well as demons, creaters called Daimons and others. Her books capture her audience. Her books do not have detailed sex scenes, but the scenes they do have are still hot and steamy without describing every little thing that happens. Her storylines make for excellent novels, and do well without the sex scenes, and when you do read them it’s like an added bonus.

Danielle Steele: Danielle Steele is probably one of the most well known romance authors. She writes classic romance novels that remind readers of classic writers like Jane Austin and Charlotte Bronte. She writes classic stories of women falling in love and of course there is a plot twist that changes things and takes the characters and readers through a climatic revealing and ending the way true romance novels do. Her characters tend to seem over the top, making her stories seem a little unrealistic when compared to some of the other writers, but then again Jane Eyre was a little over the top, but is considered one of the best novels of its time.

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Nora Roberts: Nora Roberts is another one of the more well known authors. Her books aren’t what I expected from a romance novel. Nora is one of the authors that does describe the anatomy and actual act of sex. I wasn’t too impressed with her books because I am not one for detailed sex scenes. But the plot is somewhat the same for most romance novels: one lover persue the other for one reason or another. Nora Roberts is able to immediately immerses the reader into its every page with a sense of realism that gives one the feeling of being a bystander to the action happening within the novels.

Debbie MacComber: One thing that I liked about Debbie MacComber is that her novels do not include detailed sex scenes like many other romance novels do. Some have said that her plots are predictable and sometimes her characters are unrelatable. Some have also said that her stories can drag on, but others enjoy the descriptions and the story-telling. Debbie is one of the authors that you either enjoy or don’t enjoy. It’s hard to find a middle ground, but her books are still worth reading to determine if you like her style or not.

Anya Bast: Anya Bast is another author who is a part of the paranormal romance genre, her work also has more erotica to it than the other authors on this list. Anya is fairly new to the scene and not many readers have heard about her, but her writing puts her on the list among those who need to be read. She puts her own twist on folklore of vampires, witches, and more. She draws her readers in and keeps them wanting more. She spares nothing when it comes to details and her sexual scenes are hot and steamy.

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When it comes to romance novels it is based on what your preference is when it comes to descriptions of the sex scenes and how the plot develops. Sometimes romance novels can be a little too predictable or the story can drag on, but there are some authors who stand out among the crowd and make a real difference within the genre, and will give you the best read. If you want to relax in a hot bubble bath with a great book pick any book from one of the authors on the list. I personally suggest One Silent Knight by Sherrilyn Kenyon, or Witch Blood by Anya Bast. Happy reading.
