Top Mobile Ad Networks

In today’s growing Mobile world, there are a few Mobile Advertising Networks who stand head and shoulders above the rest. Below, is a list of companies I feel will continue to be at the forefront of the mobile ad network space for years to come.


AdMob was started in 2006 and acquired by Google in 2010 for $750 Million. By simply being acquired by Google, the largest mobile ad network of all, AdMob will certainly maintain its status as an immovable force in the mobile eco-sphere. AdMob works across nearly every platform including Android, iOS, Windows Phone and more. By tapping into Google’s large pool of current mobile advertisers, AdMob should show significant growth over the next couple of years in the In-app advertising space.


iAd is Apple’s mobile advertising network, serving ads to users across all Apple devices through their iOS platform. Their differentiation comes in being the proprietary mobile network for a majority of Apps running on the iAd Network. Over 60% of the Apps running on iAd are using it as their only advertising solution. By utilizing customer data through iTunes, iAd is able to target users at a granular level most networks can’t even come close to.


This company was started in India in 2007, and has since become one of the biggest mobile advertising networks on the planet. It actually touts itself as “the world’s largest independent mobile ad network”, serving over 50 Billion monthly Ad impressions across the globe. InMobi also works across most all platforms including iOS & Android.

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Jumptap was founded in 2004 and is located in Boston, MA. They advertise to over 100 Million U.S visitors, and 156 Million worldwide visitors on over 25,000 mobile sites and mobile apps. Jumptap is focused on the Hyper Targeting of mobile consumers through multiple points of proprietary and 3rd party data.


LeadBolt was founded in Australia and has offices in Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles, CA. With a heavy emphasis on performance ad types, LeadBolt continually comes up with new advertising formats including signup forms, app walls, in-app alerts and most recently audio ads for mobile. One of their main differentiation points is their focus on app promotion and discovery.


In terms of Mobile Advertising Networks listed in this article, the TapJoy product is different than most. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in San Francisco, CA TapJoy offers consumers the ability to receive premium content by viewing targeted advertisements. Their goal is to enhance the way people discover mobile applications. TapJoy currently has over 97,000 applications on their platform. TapJoy has offices throughout the United States, Europe and Asia.

Millennial Media

Millennial Media brands themselves as “the mobile advertising and data platform”. Founded in 2006, Millennial Media is located in Baltimore, MD and has offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Millennial Media has a strong presence in Brand advertising, and has increased its reach to 59 Million mobile web users.

These are just a few of the mobile advertising networks across the globe, although not all of the networks function in the same manner, they serve both in-app and via mobile web and are thus considered and advertising network. Others strong players in the industry not mentioned in the article include Mojiva, Adfonic, Airpush, Greystripe and Trademob.