Top Jobs for Teenagers

Now that there are more gadgets, clothes, and shoes coming out, teens probably need money to spend on them. Usually a teen would ask their parents for money but there always comes the time where either the parent or the teen starts to think that it is time for a change. Asking for money from parents gets tiring after a while. Teens getting jobs in today’s society is getting harder and harder, considering places hiring are looking for more ‘experienced’ workers, such as people ages 18+. Odd jobs are the jobs that no teen really wants to do, such as babysitting, etc. There are always ways to make jobs fun, such as applying with friends, or working with someone you know. Some ‘odd jobs’ are actually quite fun, if a teen is interested in animals, but a parent refuses to get them that pet dog they have always wanted, there are jobs such as pet sitting, or even dog walking. Jobs are posted all over the internet, although this may make a parent a bit iffy about letting their son or daughter meet someone for a job through the internet, there are always safe websites, also, take precautions, just in case anything was to seem a bit weird, make sure there is an adult with the teen.

For certain areas there are different child labor laws, most teens must be at least 14-15 to start, although they may be 15, some places still won’t hire until age 16. Here are some places that teens can look for jobs around their area.

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Right when you enter, you will be directed to a page where you will be able to select your area. This will allow you to search all of the jobs available in your area or state. Craigslist’s job section helps when finding jobs in a specific area of work. As long as the teen keeps an open mind when browsing jobs, they should be able to find a decent amount of jobs for work.

Snag a job

Unfortunately, the teen has to sign up for this website. basically has the instructions on how to use the website on the front page. Basically, you sign up, search for jobs, and wait for employers to contact you.

These are fairly the two best places for teens to look for jobs. Although jobs are hard to spot, there are many ideas for teens to make into jobs. Although they might not be the best or coolest jobs, they certainly will create enough money for the teen to buy that new iPod they have had their eye on.

Car Washing

There’s really not much to it. Most people will go to a company car wash a pay $35, and these days anyone is looking to save money. All that is really needed is

-a bucket



-a hose

They can even gather up a few friends to make it fun. They should charge about $10 -$15 per car. It’s not only fun, but before they know it, they will have $150 in a jar plus tips.

Paper route

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Most teens surely own a bike somewhere. Contact the local newspaper, maybe they are looking for a paper boy/girl. The pros of a paper route are


-extremely well pay

-won’t take your whole day

There aren’t many cons of a paper route, but some minor set backs are

-I may be tough at first if the teen isn’t in shape.

-Dogs do like things that move fast that they can catch

-Papers are usually delivered first thing in the morning; therefore, the teen might have to be dragged out of bed around 6:00 am.

Dog walking

By far one of the easiest jobs. People do not always have time to take their dogs on those long walks that they deserve. Dog walkers can be paid by distance, or even how long the walk takes, they should be paid at least $10 per decent walk.

Lemonade stands

This is definitely more ‘old school’. Lemonade stands can make some money, but not much, usually it’s the younger kids that have lemonade stands, but I would highly recommend it to a 10 year old.

Paint House number on street curb

This is definitely and interesting job. Not many people find ads that will say ‘will pain your house number on the sidewalk’. Believe it or not, some houses are very hard to find, and most people would love to have their house number on the side walk, but just never got around to doing it.

House sitting

House sitting is actually a semi-tough job to score considering the fact that some people don’t trust strangers alone in their house. If the teen has a family member or close friend that is going on vacation, they can always offer their house sitting services. All that is really important in house sitting is making sure that nothing goes wrong, such as

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-the plants don’t die

-the place stays as clean as it was when they left

-no one breaks into the house

-the house doesn’t burn down.

If they have a pet, maybe they can even pay the teen extra for not only house sitting, but also pet sitting.

There are tons of other jobs that a teen can do around their neighborhood, or even around their community. The best way is to search ‘Teen Job Ideas’ on Google. Most teens can get any of these neighborhood jobs.