Top Hollywood Movie Trends for 2009

2009 is already becoming anticipated as a good year for Hollywood. Several films set to be released this year have been creating a stir among movie goers for quite some time now. There’s the return of X-Men with the feature film X-Men Origins: Wolverine. There’s the highly anticipated Watchmen and Star Trek. There’s, to put it simply, a lot to look forward to. But what do these films suggest about the upcoming trends in Hollywood, especially as those trends relate to what we will be watching in 2009? Here’s a look at some of the major trends we can probably expect to see in 2009 when it comes to Hollywood Blockbusters!

Please, Sir, May I Have Some More Sequels

If there’s anything better than a great movie, it’s a movie that keeps that great movie’s great story going. Be prepared for more sequels in 2009. Films released in recent years won’t be the only ones getting second servings. Watch for films that came out a while ago (think 1990’s and earlier) getting sequels, thanks to popular demand from films (and directors longing to continue the stories they always had plans for). We’ll also be watching for films that are being called non-sequels, but seem pretty close to a true sequel. I’m thinking in terms of films like the highly anticipated Wolverine movie, which was early declared a non-sequel but now bears the title X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Cartoons and Comics . . . Hooray!

2009 will be yet another good year for bringing popular cartoons, comics, and literary works to life. With the success of films like 300 and SinCity, Hollywood isn’t going to let the chance to make a few more graphic-novel based films in the upcoming year. The comic and graphic novel fan base has been buzzing for a long, long time in regards to the upcoming Watchmen movie; long touted as the greatest graphic novel of all time, Hollywood has a major chance to either make or break its reputation for its ability to make a great comic-based movie. There’s also some chatter about the upcoming Y: The Last Man which is set to be released in 2009. And that’s not all, folks! Look out for the return of some favorite cartoon (or, animated series) characters, including G.I. Joe (which actually started as an action figure, but has been featured in everything from television series to comic books).

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Here and Now . . . Or Not (Less Present-Day Films)

2009 will also be a year featuring fewer films set in the present-day. We will see one of two things: a lot of period films, and a lot of futuristic films. In recent years, Hollywood has entered a love-affair with the 1920’s-60’s: think Atonement, Doubt, and even television programs like Mad Men. In 2009, Hollywood will develop its own love-triangle with the past and future. The much discussed Star Trek movie is set to premiere in 2009, and will be only one of many films set in the very- to not-distant future. Expect to spend little time with films set in “current day” scenarios (at least, when it comes to the major Hollywood blockbusters).

Remakes . . . Again

Watch out for a year virtually running rampant with remakes. After the popularity of recent years’ remakes-including Casino Royale and The Day the Earth Stood Still-Hollywood can’t possibly let a good thing go to waste. In 2009, there are already plans for remakes of films like The Birds, Frankenweenie, and Fame. Get ready to converge on your local video rental store to watch the originals of several great-and maybe not so great-films before converging on your local movie theaters to see the latest interpretations.

Hollywood: A New Hope

We might be able to thank the president-elect for this one, but the year 2009 will bring a new word to Hollywood: Hope. The passing year was a great year for films like The Dark Knight which presented dark and moody heroes and heroines doing their thing on the very edge of moral standards. The year 2009 will show an emergence of new hope, less bleak representations of societies and relationships, and a brighter outlook on . . . well, just about everything. Don’t expect nothing but daisies and lollipops . . . but hey, who knows? Maybe 2009 will be the perfect year for daisies and lollipops!

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War . . .What is it Good For? (Not Much)

Hollywood has always, always, had a thing for War movies. Miracle at St. Anna . . . Saving Private Ryan . . . Valkyrie . . . Always. But in 2009, Hollywood will give this particular relationship a little bit of a cold shoulder. That’s not to say there will be no war films. However, there will definitely be fewer. It’s also not to say that Hollywood has exhausted its ability to make enjoyable films about . . . er, war (okay, maybe a more appropriate phrase would be thought-provoking). But it is to say that Hollywood is going to sit back in 2009 and stare off into a sunset murmuring to itself, “You know . . . I think I need a little break from this.” What could a break from these war films look like? Daisies and lollipops, anyone?