Top Five Printable Disney Coloring Pages

Printable Disney Coloring Pages

This is my list of top five choices when searching for printable Disney Coloring Pages available for download. The sites listed below do not require registration or enrollment. There are no additional steps necessary in order to access the printable Disney coloring pages. Just locate your desired image and print it out or save it for later use. The list below is in order of preference.

Google Search Images
My first choice is not a website but rather a way to search. Go to and at the top of the page click on image instead of web which is the default search query. Now, type in Disney or Disney Coloring Pages in the search box and a page full of thumbnail images will appear. Choose your desired image and print or save it to your desktop for later use.

If looking for anything Disney related, one of the first places to look would be the Disney website itself. Navigating through all those bells and whistles might not be that easy so here is a direct link to the coloring pages available.

The link takes you to what Disney calls Magic Artist you are first asked to choose a character, once done, the page will refresh with a variety of thumbnail images for you to choose from. Click on your desired image and the next refreshed window will allow you to print the image out through the use of the printer image labeled PRINT in the upper right hand section of the page.

See also  Free 'Tangled' Coloring Pages and Printables

Disney UK
Another option is the Disney UK’s version called Print Station. Similar in nature to the above Disney listing, the images are different. This site works with the use of drop down menus. IN the first drop down, choose your desired character, and in the second drop down, choose coloring sheets then hit the find button. I choose to search for Disney Princesses and sixteen choices were presented. This was more than the above-mentioned Disney site. After clicking on the desired princess, to print I would click the PREVIEW button below the larger image on the left. Unfortunately for me, this didn’t work. Hopefully you will have better luck and this is why I have included it in my listing.

4 Krafty Kidz
4 Krafty Kidz has a great variety of free coloring pages to print and color. Keeping with the princess search theme I used above, I search for Ariel the Little Mermaid. There were over forty offerings to choose from, a great selection of images. The down side to this website is the overall design is less professional and the links are interspersed with ads. Obviously the multitude of ads is the reason the images are available for free!

My final choice is Knutseldoos. The site is in Dutch but you can navigate through it without knowing the language. This site would be much higher on my list but I placed it here due to the language difference which could be a barrier or discomfort level for some viewers. Disney is the first category at the top of the page. I choose this site for the sheer volume of printable Disney coloring pages, 3637 Disney coloring pages. If you want to know what the text says, you can always have the page translated at Babelfish As an exercise, I translated the entire page, it didn’t appear to be necessary but rather fulfilled my curiosity.