Top Affordable Home Decor Stores

If you are an avid reader of my Associated Content articles, you’ve probably noticed by now that I am a home decorating freak. I live for satin finish paint, mahogany wood floors, exotic vases and don’t even get me started on throw pillows; I can go on for hours about throw pillows. For this reason, I thought it both necessary and appropriate that I let you in on my shopping secrets. Below, I’ve outlined my three favorite places to shop for home décor at insanely affordable prices. I’m cheap, but I also appreciate luxurious things and these stores allow me to find a happy medium between my cheap-o ways and my city-girl home décor lust.


IKEA is the holy grail of home décor on a budget, period. IKEA offers home furnishings, accessories, cookware, bakeware and just about everything else that you can put in a home for a price that falls far below retail. If you keep up with home décor blogs, you are probably under the impression that IKEA only caters to the home décor aesthetics of modern day hipsters, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. IKEA offers prints, textiles, accessories and furniture in a wide variety of decorating styles. From traditional, exotic, modern, contemporary and eclectic, they’ve got something for everybody. How would you like to get a queen bed for just around $100? Yep, those are the types of prices that IKEA offers on a daily basis. You can probably tell I’m a raging fan of IKEA by now, but there’s just one thing I’m not so fond of: you have to put all of the furniture together yourself. If you’re handy and can get passed that, you’re set for life!

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IKEA Website


When I lived in the heart of New York City, Wal-Mart was a distant dream. Now that I live in the country, Wal-Mart is pretty much the only place to go food shopping, get your hair and nails done and home décor shopping. When it comes to home décor, I’m a tough cookie and I am hard to impress. But, Wal-Mart surpassed my expectations. They stock a plethora of art, furniture, accessories and window treatments; and since they are Wal-Mart, they manage to do it on a cheap-o price, too. Now, I will admit that if your ideal home décor style is gothic, modern or exotic, you will be at a loss. But, if your style leans toward the contemporary or traditional side of the scale, you will be in home décor heaven. You can do your food shopping and home décor shopping in the same place. And, if you’ve got one of those techy husbands, you can just drop him off in the electronics section before you begin shopping.

Wal-Mart Website

Big Lots

Out of all three home décor stores mentioned, Big Lots takes the prize for the biggest cheap-o. Like Wal-Mart, Big Lots offer much more than just home décor and furnishings, but these are indeed the star items. Three weeks ago, I picked up a large African style floor vase for $30; the retail price is over $80! I was psyched. I can attest that Big Lots caters to all home décor styles. So, if you’ve got a funky home décor sense, Big Lots is your go-to store. They also carry a wide selection of elegant indoor and outdoor home furnishings.

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Big Lots Website