Top 5 Ways to Cook a Hot Dog

If you ask me, hot dogs are a staple summer indulgence. They are roasted over campfires, wolfed down during baseball games and served up at backyard picnics all across America. The hot dog even has an entire month (July) dedicated to it every summer. You don’t get much more integrated into a season than that. With that said, I thought that I’d run down my picks for the top five ways to cook a hot dog:


Grilled hot dogs are one of the many things that I love about warm weather. Those crispy sear marks seem to make the hot dogs taste better. Of course, that could just be my imagination. Nonetheless, they go well when laid to rest on a hoagie roll and topped with grilled green peppers and onions.


Can I get a “whoop whoop” for the almighty dirty water dog? In my opinion, there is nothing like standing on the streets of NYC and scarfing down a steamed hot dog. I can’t get to NYC as often as I like anymore, so I am stuck boiling my Sabrett hot dogs on the stove. It may not have the same ambiance but the hot dog flavor is still tops.

Bagel Dog

I love bagel dogs. They remind me of Manhattan (NY). Speaking of, if you happen to make the trek to NYC, make it a point to stop at Crif Dogs. Order yourself a Jon-Jon Deragon. It may not be a bagel wrapped hot dog but it’s the next best thing. It’s topped with everything bagel seeds, scallions and plain cream cheese. I know it may sound weird but it tastes fantastic.

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Corn Dog

Here in the south, hot dogs come with a crispy corn coating. There are two main types of corn dogs that you can buy ready-made in the grocery store. One has a honey flavored corn bread coating and the other has a plain corn bread coating. I’ve had both but tend to prefer the plain coating. I’ll typically serve it up with a dollop of spicy mustard.

Deep Fried

Oh yes, I am going there. Deep fried hot dogs are a greasy, crunchy delightful mess that a person should try at least once in their lifetime. You can opt to slice them in half and fry them in a pan or take a walk on the wild side and deep fry them whole. I’m a risk taker, so it’s the deep fryer for me. When the hot dog explodes, it’s time to take it out of the oil and put its party dress on. For me, that could range from Texas sauce to nothing more than a squirt of spicy brown mustard.

Killeen Gonzalez enjoys summer sports and recreation with her family. She has also traveled extensively.

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