Top 5 Skin Care Products for Eczema Sufferers

Eczema is a common skin condition that affects approximately 10% of children and 3% of adults in America. It’s characterized by itchy, red, or severely dry skin and can be quite painful if left untreated. While there is no cure for eczema, there is a bevy of skincare products that can help to relieve symptoms. As a lifelong sufferer of eczema, I have consulted numerous dermatologists and tried countless numbers of products to soothe my skin. Over the years I have learned that I cannot live without certain skin care products to use on a daily basis.

Top 5 Skin Care Products for Eczema Sufferers #1: Moisturizer

Because eczema and dry skin go hand-in-hand, every dermatologist will first recommend using moisturizer. Most of the doctors I’ve been to recommend Aveeno products, which contain oatmeal and rich emollients to soothe itchiness and keep skin moisturized.

I apply Aveeno daily moisturizer immediately after I get out of the shower. This helps to lock in the water my skin just absorbed so that it doesn’t dry out completely and start itching again. I will also apply it in the morning immediately after waking up to protect my skin from the elements.

For my face, I’m a fan of Oil of Olay. Eczema tends to age your skin faster, so I use a heavy moisturizer at night and a hydrating lotion with SPF in the morning. Instead of foundation, I’ll also use their tinted moisturizer which also contains SPF.

Finally, for those who have eczema on their lips or private areas, Vaseline Petroleum Jelly acts as the ideal moisturizer because it lacks scent and protects the skin from chafing.

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Top 5 Skin Care Products for Eczema Sufferers #2: Sunblock

Because eczema flares are commonly caused by airborne allergens, the skin is extremely sensitive to elements like the wind and sun. So sunblock with a minimum SPF 15 is key to preventing breakouts. I try to use at least SPF 30 because I live in Las Vegas, even though I limit my sun exposure. On days when I know I’m going to spend extensive time outdoors, I’ll use SPF 70.

My favorite sunblock is Neutrogena’s UltraSheer Dry-Touch Sunblock, because it doesn’t feel greasy and or heavy. It also absorbs quickly and is waterproof.

Top 5 Skin Care Products for Eczema Sufferers #3: Moisturizing Soap

Using the correct soap is really important for eczema sufferers because using the wrong cleaning products can actually strip skin and leave it really dry. The only soap I use is Dove’s Beauty Bar. It contains ΒΌ moisturizing lotion and I really can feel the difference on my skin. You know those commercials that show the sticky film left behind by other soaps? I can attest that I feel that sticky film (and it itches) if I use other soaps.

Top 5 Skin Care Products for Eczema Sufferers #4: Exfoliant

Here’s the thing about dry, dead, flaky skin: it’s not only ugly, but its buildup can actually cause acne. It also prevents moisturizer from reaching the layers of live skin that need it. And in my case, it actually makes my skin even itchier.

To combat this I use a gentle (emphasize gentle) exfoliant to slough away dead skin in the shower before applying moisturizer. To be honest, I’ve found that the best thing to use is a simple washcloth as long as it’s clean and isn’t used for any other purpose. If I do have to use an exfoliant because I’m traveling, I’ll use St. Ives Gentle Apricot Scrub because it leaves my skin feeling clean without being completely dry.

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Top 5 Skin Care Products for Eczema Sufferers #5: Medicated Creams and Ointments

When all else fails, your doctor can provide hydrocortisone cream for severe flare-ups. My doctor prescribed Locoid Lipocream, which was designed specifically to combat eczema. I’ve been using it sparingly for several years now, and it really does work for really bad flare-ups without being messy or overly greasy.

I’m also a fan of Protopic, a prescription ointment that is called a topical immunomudulator because it helps control inflammation. Protopic is a little messy, however, so I usually only put it on at night.

As far as over-the-counter products, I’ve found Cortizone-10 to be the most effective and as close to prescription as one can get. Look for one specially mentioning eczema relief to get the maximum results.

Top 5 Skin Care Products for Eczema Sufferers: Final Thoughts

As always, consult your doctor before using any products to treat eczema or any other skin condition. You also want to find products that will work for you, so experiment like I did until you find products you are happy with.

For additional information regarding eczema, check out WebMD and TalkEczema. Both sites are great resources for suggesting treatment and prevention.


Personal experience

Eczema Health Center, WebMD

Information and Support for Eczema Sufferers and Their Families, TalkEczema