Top 5 Qualities of an Effective Manager

What does it take to be an effective manager in today’s economy? With employee’s and top CEO’s scrambling for their jobs, find out what qualities will take you one step above your competition to increase productivity and in return, revenue.

The following are the top five skills that are necessary as a manager.

#1 Related Experience

Experience is what gives managers the know how to understand their employees and find solutions to their problems. Without experience, managers often make decisions they feel is best without considering what it is like to be in the employee’s shoes. If you have been hired into a job you do not have hands on practice with, spend some extra hours working alongside your employees. This will give you the knowledge to be able to please the staff while making the best decisions.

#2 Selling Yourself

As a manager you are in control of your product’s success, and in a lot of cases your company’s success. While selling does run in the blood, if it does not come naturally for you, there is still hope. You need to know your product or service inside and out and find aspects of it that you whole-heartedly believe in. Take that emotion to your employees. It is your duty to motivate them to reach your company’s goals.

Selling yourself to your employees is also important. Without their respect, anything you say or do is meaningless. Find ways to make them respect you and believe in your leadership. The best way to accomplish this is by keeping your word, and enforcing rules and consequences.

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#3 Entrepreneurial Spirit

Most managers do not own their business, so why is this so important you ask? Like I mentioned earlier, managers are the backbone of the company bridging the gap between executives and hourly’s. Success is in their hands. Their drive can either motivate or create a complacent staff. As a manager you need to continually find ways to improve operations, sales figures, and customer retention. Without this skill you will eventually be replaced if your store survives. An entrepreneurial drive can push your staff to accomplish feats that may seem out of reach. Keeping up with competition and their strategies will encourage you to think ahead.

#4 Networking Skills

In a media driven generation, knowing how to promote your company, but also meet and greet people that can potentially help you are key to being a great manager. Knowing the right people at the right time is the answer to excelling the company you work for. Whether you are working at a construction site and need trusted yet affordable help or you need a model for a photo shoot you are overseeing, having the perfect connection can save your company money and time. Hit the social scene at some city hotspots; say yes when invited to a luncheon, and host parties.

The other side of networking is online. Take every opportunity to put your business’s name out there. Use your twitter account to inform and link to other social media sites like Facebook. You can reach millions of people with one simple post.

#5 Social Skills

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The key to managing relationships is social skills. Managers spend a large quantity of time speaking with people and building relationships with executives, staff, vendors, and most importantly, clients. If you do not know how to communicate and make friends with others, you will not be respected. Social skills are even more important for client retention. Remembering your most important patrons and getting to know your new ones will make them feel special and give them a great feeling connected with your product. I have heard customers tell me they would not come back because the managers were awkward. Knowing when to use humor, listen, or teach are skills that get better with practice. Pick up a self help book, start a conversation with a person at the grocery store, and having lunch with your boss are excellent ways to improve this skill.

While there are many important qualities for a manager to possess, those mentioned above will get you on your way to becoming one of the best in the business.

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