Top 5 Home Remedies for Indigestion

If you suffer from indigestion you know how painful it can be upsetting to your daily routine. Simple steps to your lifestyle can dramatically lower your chances at getting indigestion. Not only can you feel better, but you can stop the indigestion almost before it starts.

What Is Indigestion?
Indigestion in my home is also known as an upset stomach. An upset stomach stops us in our track, no matter what we are doing. Anyone can get indigestion: young and old. So if you’re suffering and looking for quick home remedies, look no further. Indigestion doesn’t have to bother you anymore; or at least not for long.

Indigestion Symptoms

It is very easy to know when you have indigestion. Often you will have an upset stomach. Other symptoms could be bloated stomach, nausea, vomiting, a burning sensation in stomach, or even an acid taste in your mouth. Any of these symptoms can come with indigestion. It’s important as soon as you have these symptoms to utilize home remedies for fastest results.

#1 Indigestion Home Remedy

What you need:

Coke or Ginger Ale

Warm Coke or Ginger Ale is a kid approved remedy for indigestion in my home. If fact, a warm coke can help indigestion for the older kids too. Sip the warm coke or ginger ale slowly allowing it to settle your stomach.

#2 Indigestion Home Remedy

What you need:


Hot tea


This is a simple home remedy that you can have on hands at all times. My favorite herbal tea to use is chamomile or peppermint tea, but you can choose whatever your favorites are. Before I heat the tea and put a chunk of garlic into my water. I prefer this method instead of shaving off ginger into my tea. By putting a large piece of ginger in my tea, I can pull it back out after the tea has seeped for 5-7 minutes. Add honey to taste.

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#3 Indigestion Home Remedy

A Gentle Massage


There is nothing funnier to tell you than to do a gentle massage on your stomach. Now, if this freaks you out, let your spouse do a gentle massage over your entire stomach. Gentle is the key word. For me, it’s just as easy for me to go in the bedroom, turn on some music, and do a gentle massage all over my stomach. Not only does it relax you, but it will also ease the indigestion.

#4 Indigestion Home Remedy

What you need:



It’s been said that by taking an orange after every meal, you allow your organs to rest and gives those digestive organs the nutrients they need. This also will help you eat less and slower because you know you still will be eating an orange after dinner.

#5 Indigestion Home Remedy

What you need:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Herbal Tea or Water

Apple Cider Vinegar works as a great ailment for an assortment of issues, including indigestion. Mix 1-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your water or herbal tea and drink.


