Top 5 Dog Breeds for Families

Considering a dog for your young family? Here is a list of the 5 best dogs for active families.

1. Siberian Husky

The Siberian husky is often overlooked, but it can make for a wonderful addition to any family. They are wonderful with small children and love to play. Not nearly as large as the Alaskan malamute, a Siberian husky won’t be as overpowering to small children. If you have small children, a puppy is a great idea as both the children and the dog can grow up together. However, cleaning up after both small children and a puppy can be a real challenge. It is a true test of patience to even the most patient person.

2. Golden Retriever

Originally developed as a bird-hunting dog, golden retrievers are among the most loyal dogs around. If trained and treated properly, golden retriever puppies can develop the sweetest doggie dispositions around. Special care needs to be taken with their health (as with all large dogs) as they age. As a rule, larger dogs have shorter life spans than smaller dogs. Be forewarned, golden retrievers retain their puppy temperaments for up to two years!

3. Labrador Retrievers

Black labs, chocolate labs, yellow labs, and more, Labrador retrievers come in many different shades. Similar to their golden retriever cousins in temperament, Labradors (retrievers in general) love water. If you live near a river, stream, lake, or have a pond in your yard, be assured that your lab will be in heaven. As with all of the dogs mentioned on the list, labs are wonderful with children. However, an older lab puppy or a full-grown dog can easily overwhelm a small child. The dog doesn’t mean any harm (all they want to do is to lick the child to death), but their friendliness and playfulness when grown can scare small children.

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4. Collie –

When people who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s think of the perfect family dog, Lassie usually comes to mind. In addition to being one of the most beautiful dog breeds around, collies do make wonderful family pets. A little bit more relaxed than retrievers, labs, and huskies, they are quite as high energy. They are a wonderful option for a more laid back family that wants a larger dog.

5. Beagle –

One of the friendliest smaller/medium sized dogs around, beagles make wonderful family pets if raised from puppy-hood. Beagles, of course, also make excellent rabbit hunting dogs. However, beagles need a lot of exercise, love, and attention. They are a great option for very active families. Also, if you are looking for a larger dog but are still interested in beagles, look for a beagle/walker mix. They tend to have longer legs, slightly different coloring, and can have great dispositions.

No matter what dog you choose for your family, be sure that you are ready to take on the added responsibility. If you are counting on your older children to take care of the dog, be assured that you are the one will end up providing the dog with water, food, and attention. However, dogs, and all pets, are a great way to teach children responsibility.
