Top 10 Justin Bieber Themed Party Games

Traditional party games can be a lot of fun especially when paired with a Justin Bieber theme. Here are some great ideas:

1. Justin Bieber Mall Scavenger Hunt

This is REALLY fun! If you don’t have a chance to go to a mall, you could hold the Justin Bieber Scavenger Hunt in your own house. Since you are such a Justin Bieber fan you are likely to have many of these things in your room, especially a lot of posters. The main idea of the scavenger hunt is to divide into teams then each team races to see who can find (or do) the items on a list first.

You don’t have to spend any money. All that you need to do is divide your guests into two groups. Each group needs to have just one camera phone. When the group finds the items you just take a picture of the item.

Great Justin Bieber related items to look for and take pictures of include:

Justin Bieber posters

Justin Bieber t-shirts

Justin Bieber jewelry

Justin Bieber CD’s

Justin Bieber newspaper or magazine articles

A cute boy getting a Justin Bieber haircut

A cute boy who already has a Justin Bieber haircut (LOL)

An instrument that Justin Bieber plays – a guitar, a piano, or a trumpet

The Justin Bieber movie Never Say Never

Pictures of some of Justin’s favorite things such as Sour Patch Kids, Tim Horton’s, Vitamin Water or the Number 6 (Justin’s favorite number).

2. Drama Bag

Place 5 miscellaneous items in several shopping bags. You can choose anything but every item should be different. Divide the girls into groups and give each a bag. Send each group into a different area or room and ask them to make up a Justin Bieber related skit, song or commercial to go with the contents of the bag. After 10 minutes or so, have each group perform for the rest of the group.

3. Plant a Kiss on Justin

The girls are going to have fun with this game. You will need to buy a Justin Bieber Poster for this game. You play it just like you would Pin the Tail, but instead of pinning on a tail the girls will be planting Kisses on Justin to see who can plant one closest to his lips. So in addition to the poster you will also want to buy some Lip Stickers too. If you cannot find stickers just have the girls put on Lipstick (should be a dark color and applied generously) nice and thick and Kiss the Poster (Justin) and mark whose lip prints are whose. I am hearing the giggles already.

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4. Justin Bieber Crazy Gift Exchange

On the slumber party invitation ask your guests to bring a wrapped Justin-Bieber themed gift. You should put a spending limit on it. I recommend $5.00 or less. Buy and wrap a couple of Justin Bieber theme gifts in case someone forgets.

Write down numbers (however many guests there are) on pieces of paper, fold them and place them in a bowl. Have each guest pick a number. Sit in a circle and the guest with the number 1 goes first, picks a present, opens it and places the gift in front of her. The girl with the number 2 can either pick a new package or take the gift of number 1. If she takes the gift of number 1 then number 1 gets to pick a new package and open it.

Continue around the circle – each guest can either choose any gift that have been opened or open a new package. At the end #1 can exchange her gift for anyone’s in the circle.

5. Let’s Make a Deal Justin Bieber Style

You will need three boxes for this party game. In each box place Justin Bieber prizes of varying quality really cool, ok and a booby prize.

Each girl has a chance to play so make sure you have enough “really cool” Justin Bieber prizes to go around. Place one Justin Bieber prize of each type under the boxes without anyone seeing. The contestant chooses a box and the Justin Bieber prize is revealed. The contestant can then keep that prize or be given the choice to choose another.

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Offer incentives, like other prizes (candy, money etc.) to see if they will keep the first chosen. They may keep either the first prize and incentives or choose the other box. This is their final choice.

6. Play “I’m going on a Date with Justin Bieber and I’m going to take my ___________.”

This is a variation of the Travel Game “I’m going on a Vacation and in my suitcase I’m going to pack (something that starts with a).

The next person has to say the thing that started with A, and then add something that starts with B, and so forth.” Play “I’m going on a Date with Justin and I’m going to take my __________________.

Keep going until you get all the way through the alphabet. If I girl can’t remember everything, she is “out.” This is a fun and challenging sleepover game that is good when everyone is in their sleeping bags and trying to fall asleep.

7. Memory Game

Print at least 20 pictures of Justin Bieber off the Internet making doubles of each. It’s best to print them on cardstock and you can laminate them if you wish because you can use the photos as prizes for the other games. It’s also best if the Justin Bieber pics are at least 5 x 7.

Then at the party play good old-fashioned Memory. The girls sit in a circle and in the middle of the circle you lay out the Memory cards in rows. The guests take turns turning over two pictures at a time trying to get a match. If they get a match they can keep the pics and try again. If they don’t get a match they turn their pics over and the turn goes to the next person.
When all the Justin Bieber pics are picked up the game is over. The person with the most matches wins.

8. Pass the Justin Bieber Microphone Game

For this game buy a plastic microphone at a dollar store. Have your guests sit in a circle.

Start the Justin Bieber music and have the guests pass around the microphone “musical chair” style. When the music stops, the person with the microphone wins a small prize (a Sour Patch Kids, for example, Justin’s favorite candy) for winning the game.

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9. Sour Patch Kids (Justin Bieber’s favorite candy) Challenge Game

This sleepover game can be played with any candy that comes in different colors if you don’t want to use Sour Patch Kids, but Sour Patch Kids are really challenging, especially if the party-goers don’t like sour things.

Place the candy in a bowl. The girls sit in a circle and one chooses 2 candies ‘” without looking. She shows them to everyone and then put them in her mouth — if they are the same color she can chew them. If they are not she has to hold them in her mouth until her next turn when can try and choose 2 more pieces of Justin Bieber’s favorite sour candy.

10. Hide and Seek the Blair Witch way

This is a new type of hide and seek to play using a mobile phone and your home phone.

Wait until it is dark and turn out the lights. One person hides with a cell phone and pretends they are Justin Bieber. In the pitch black, everyone goes looking for this one person. Every so often the person hiding must call the house phone and give clues to where he (Justin Bieber) is hiding.

This slumber party game is thrilling and fun. If you have one, use a night vision video camera to follow the guests and watch the tape later.

Hilarious!!! This will have everyone laughing out loud.

I had some inspiration for a few of the above games from the following websites: sleeping bags