Top 10 Heroes (DC Universe)

The DC Universe heroes are probably some of the most iconic heroes in pop culture today. Especially now a day with the new Batman movie being made by Christopher Nolan and the talks of a Superman reboot. Talk of superheroes in the mainstream media has reached a pinnacle over the past couple of years. With all of this in mind, the question is posed, “Who is the number one hero?” Below is my top 10 list for the DC Universe.

10. Booster Gold – AKA Michael Jon Carter
Booster Gold in fact does not have any superhuman abilities. Much like Batman and Robin, Booster Gold relies on equipment to give him his powers. The main difference between Batman and Booster Gold is that Batman didn’t steal his equipment, while Booster Gold stole his technology from the 25th Century. When Booster Gold first debuted in the comic books, he was a pompous jerk. He had fancy gadgets and corporate sponsors, essentially he was making a cushy living being a hero. However, he soon realized there is more to being a hero than just money and power, and Booster Gold does make a conscious effort to become a better person. This character is so refreshing and interesting because he doesn’t get into the hero business because his family was murdered or he was exposed to some type of radiation giving him superhuman abilities. Plain and simple, he got into the hero business to make a buck and be famous. Honestly, you gotta love a man with ambition who doesn’t necessarily have a tortured past.

9. Catwoman – AKA Selina Kyle
Catwoman originally started out as a super villain adversary of Batman. She is a whip carrying burglar with the ability to pull off high stake thefts. Although her character did start out as a villain, her crimes were extremely playful and relatively tame, especially in comparison to other super villains such as The Joker and Lex Luthor. Catwoman is an incredibly complex woman, often straddling the line between hero and villain. Ultimately, she became the protector of the East Side of Gotham gathering together her own list of side kicks and rogues to help her out. She even became part of Batman, Incorporated. Catwoman has definitely been through some rough and tumultuous times, but it is her relationship with Batman that makes her a great and complex character. It does sadden me a bit to define Catwoman by her relationship with Batman, and don’t get me wrong Catwoman is a great hero in and of herself. But you have to admit, it takes a strong woman to get the heart of Bruce Wayne.

8. The Flash – AKA Wally West
Wally West wasn’t the first or even the second Flash, but by far he was the greatest Flash to wear those red skin tight tights. West is arguably the fastest of all the Flashes. The Flash’s primary superpower is his ability to be able to control the speed of his body and move at super speed. Now, on the surface, admittedly, this doesn’t really seem like the greatest power. I mean, The Flash can’t stop a bullet with his chest or even fly. However, The Flash is clever and uses his speed in a bunch of different ways to fight villains. He can create a powerful whirlwind lifting and trapping his opponents and he pummel his foes with hundreds of super speed punches in a few seconds. The Flash lands himself at number 8 on this list because he can take a relatively dull power and make it pretty kick ass.

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7. Robin – AKA Tim Drake
Just like his best friend Wally West, Tim Drake was not the first man to where the Robin tights, in fact he was the third to assume the Robin hero identity. If you talk to most people, they will sight Dick Grayson as the best Robin. Well, I have to humbly disagree. Drake by and far is the most like Batman. He has the far superior skills on a computer and he has deductive reasoning skills that rival that of Sherlock Holmes. In more current comic book times, Drake has shed the Robin persona and has taken up the more mature and stylish persona, Red Robin. Of all the Robins, Drake has proven his ability to step outside the shadow of Batman and establish his own superhero identity. Ultimately, it is refreshing to have a hero that can figure out that Superman is just Clark Kent without his glasses on. For these reasons, Drake’s Robin makes number 7 on this list.

6. Aquaman – AKA Arthur Joseph Curry

Poor Aquaman, he is often made fun of and under valued because of his water based powers. However, those of us who are true comic book fans now Aquaman is a noble and powerful figure have great control over the waters and the creatures that live in the water. His powers include the ability to breath underwater, submarine speed, superhuman strength, telepathy, and he speaks the languages of the sentient sea peoples. I should also point out that Aquaman was one of the founding members of the Justice League of America. In my opinion, Aquaman deserves far more respect for his abilities than what he gets. Is it even necessary to point out that water consists of nearly ¾ of the surface of Earth? I would like to see Superman or Batman patrol the vast amount of water Aquaman consistently patrols.

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5. Green Arrow – AKA Oliver Queen
Oliver Queen is a billionaire who dresses like Robin Hood. Sure, on the surface he seems like the poor mans Bruce Wayne / Batman. Shooting glue arrows, net arrows, explosive arrows, time bomb arrows, grappling arrows, fire extinguishing arrows, and even a kryptonite arrow. Green Arrow breaks from the stereotypical pack because of his vocal left-wing political views. He even goes so far as to criticize his fellow brethren in tights by stating they give villains too much latitude. Green Arrow suggests these villains should be punished harshly, suggesting death. His views alone on harsher punishments for villains makes him a great character, I mean in what world is a good idea to put the worst of the worst together in Arkham Asylum. But Green Arrow also teams up with Green Lantern to teach its’ readers about social issues that are more relevant than punching someone in the face. They taught readers about racism, pollution, corruptions, and drug abuse.

4. Wonder Woman – Diana of Themyscira
Wonder Woman is a Princess of the Amazons has become an iconic female figure for female empowerment. She has superhuman strength, flight, super-speed, great stamina and agility, and the ability to communicate with the animal kingdom. She has the Lasso of Truth, which as the name implies forces people tied up by it to speak nothing but the truth, indestructible bracelets, a tiara she throws as a weapon, and an invisible plane. Wonder Woman began her heroic career as a symbol against cruelty, being the peaceful alternative to the likes of Batman and Superman who chose brute force above all else. She often insists on peace and diplomacy above all else, however she is smart enough to know sometimes one has to fight and she’s never shied away from one. She is a great feminine addition to the staple of heroes which is why she lands herself at number 4.

3. Green Lantern – AKA Harold “Hal” Jordan
Hal Jordan had to at least break the top 5 on this list, if only for the reason that he was the first human to join the Green Lantern Corps. No man or creature better exemplifies the Green Lantern mantra of “no fear” than Jordan. Granted, Jordan did for a short period of time turn into the super villain Parallax and he did attempt to commit genocide. Despite this, he sacrificed himself later on to save Earth and restore the sun, which in my book is pretty heroic and redeeming. But what makes Jordan as Green Lantern so incredibly likeable is the fact that he is one of the only heroes in the DC Universe who doesn’t put up with Batman’s crap. It also doesn’t hurt that Ryan Reynolds looks smokin’ hot in the Green Lantern suit in the newest Green Lantern movie.

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2. Batman – AKA Bruce Wayne
Nearly everyone knows the story of how Bruce Wayne became Batman, so really there is no point in rehashing it here. To me, what makes Batman such an awesome hero is the fact that he stands toe to toe with other heroes with godlike powers, such as Superman and Wonder Woman, having absolutely no powers of his own. Batman constantly straddles the line between hero and out of control vigilante. Sometimes he makes some ethically ambiguous decisions, and often comes off quite paranoid. But you have to give the man some credit, he has a gadget for just about any occasion. Like any good boy scout, Batman always seems prepared for any situation that he is confronted with. The only character flaw that keeps Batman from the number spot on this list is his lack of self-satisfaction and constant brooding. As a reader and avid movie watcher of anything Batman, it does become incredibly frustrating knowing that no matter what Batman does, it will never be enough for him. He never seems satisfied with a job well done and never is the glass half full for this brooding hero.

1. Superman – AKA Clark Kent
It is near impossible to make a list of the top superheroes without having Superman taking up the number one position, and for good reason. Superman is the hero of all heroes. Without the man in red and blue tights, there is no Batman, there is no Wonder Woman, there is no Green Lantern. The Man of Steel demands respect from his superhero peers, and reflects the potential greatness in anyone. Argue what you may, but Superman has had the greatest impact in pop culture than any other hero. While Superman may have originally been created as the all American boy, he has become a global hero that every little kid reading a comic book can look up to.