Top 10 Gifts for New Parents

If you are going to a baby shower or you are looking to buy things for new parents, you might be wondering what you should buy. You always want to buy them something that they actually need and will use. So many people have no idea what to buy new parents, I know this because when I had my baby I got a lot of gifts of things that I just couldn’t use. Its always the thought behind the gift that counts, but since you are spending you money on someone you should make sure you are giving them things they could use. These are the Top 10 gifts for new parents, not necessarily just for the baby.

10. Diaper Bag– Every New parent needs a diaper bag, most new parents don’t want to spend lots of money on one. A lot of moms I know buy a cheap diaper bag to begin with then end up spending money later on a nicer one, once they realize how important they are. You can buy new parents a nice diaper bag. There are lots of designer diaper bags that any mom would love and greatly appreciate. Petunia Pickle Bottom, Ju Ju Be and Mia Bossi are just a few brands that you have to choose from. You can buy really nice diaper bags priced anywhere from $50-$300.

9. Postpartum Recovery Kit- A great gift for new parents is a chance for the new mom to pamper and take care of herself. New moms spend so much time taking care of her new love, that she often neglects herself. Earth Mama, Angel Baby is a company that makes gentle natural products for during pregnancy, for the new baby, and for the new mommy. New parents would probably love a gift of any of the products from Earth Mama, Angel Baby, but I think a Postpartum Recovery Kit would make the most perfect gift. The kit includes recovery tea, recovery bath herbs, bottom spray, happy mama spray, and bottom balm. They also have specially designed kits for c-section recovery. Some specialty stores carry Earth Mama, Angel Baby products or you can order them on-line. The Postpartum recovery kit costs $45. You can also buy the items individually in case you are looking to spend less money or you want to make a more personalized kit.

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8. Camera- Parents love to take pictures of their new baby, so if they don’t have a good camera a great gift for new parents is a new camera. Parents spend so much taking pictures of their little one that a camera is a essential item. You should get them a digital camera so they don’t have to worry about film and they can take as many pictures of their growing baby as they can. You can go all out and spend a lot of money of this gift or you can get a good camera starting around $100.

7. Mothers Necklace– A great gift for new moms is something to do with their new baby, and a mothers necklace is just that. Mothers necklace’s have the birthstone of the mothers child on it. These are a special gift because they are something that the new mom will keep forever and will always remind her of when she was a new mom. You can find mothers necklaces in every price range it all depends on the quality of the jewelry that you want to buy.

6. Baby Carrier– One of the hardest things for new parents to do is find time to get things done. When your a new parent simple tasks like doing laundry or doing the dishes become hard because you are always holding a baby. The perfect thing for this are baby carriers. Studies have been done that show babies that are carried in a baby carrier cry and fuss less, what parent wouldn’t want a baby that cried and fussed less. This is a excellent gift for new parents because often new parents don’t realize what a life saver these are until they have one. A great baby carrier is thePeanut Shell
because it allows for so many different kinds of carries. It comes in many different materials colors and patterns, the price varies by material. You can find baby carriers and the Peanut Shell Priced anywhere from $40-$100.

5. Nursing Pillow- If you know a mom that is going to be breastfeeding her new baby a great gift for the mom and the baby is a Nursing Pillow. Nursing pillows can be seen as a luxury to many new parents so they won’t spend the money to buy one for themselves, so it makes a great gift. If a new mom is nursing, a nursing pillow will help her so much. By using a nursing pillow to breastfeed the baby, the mom can be more comfortable. When a mom uses a nursing pillow she is also able to do more while nursing such as take sips of a drink or reach and get a book. A Boppy pillow is a great brand of nursing pillow, they come in all different colors and materials so you can find one that the new mom will love. Another reason a Boppy makes a great gift for new parents is because as the baby gets older and starts to sit up it is a perfect place to sit them so they have a little support. A Boppy is a present that breastfeeding parents will love. You can find Boppys almost everywhere baby things are sold, and they cost about $30.

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4. Restaurant and Movie Rental Certificates- New parents are so busy they don’t have much time to cook, they are also usually so tired that they don’t want to spend the time going out to dinner with a new baby. Restaurant Gift certificates to restaurants that deliver or offer to-go food is a perfect gift for new parents. This is perfect for the parents who get the nesting instinct and want to stay home with their new bundle of joy. You can also include a few movie rental gift certificates, it will probably be a long time before the new parents get to go to the movies again, and this is perfect for them to stay at home and have some family time. When you give restaurant and movie gift certificates to new parents you are giving them a night off where they can just enjoy themselves and their new baby, I know they will appreciate this. A great thing about this gift is you can spend as much or as little as you want, you just get the gift certificates for the amount you are looking to spend.

3. Family Portrait– This is another great gift to celebrate the whole family. It is such a special occasion to have a new baby, and it should be commemorated in a portrait. Many new parents don’t think about getting a family portrait done right away, so this makes a very special gift for new parents. You can get a gift certificate covering the sitting fee’s with a professional photographer, or depending on how much you want to spend you can give a gift certificate including portrait packages. The cost of this will vary greatly depending on your area, and what kind of photographer you choose.

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2. A Gift Membership to a Museum or Zoo– This is a perfect git to celebrate how the new couple is now a family. A baby may too young to enjoy the zoo or museum right now, but before long they will be sitting up and looking around at everything. New parents always have a hard time leaving the house and often become hermits. This is the perfect gift to help them get out of the house and having fun. At a zoo or museum no one will care if a baby cries or is fussy, its the perfect place to bring a new baby. Depending on the different zoo’s, museum’s, or other attractions near you the prices will vary but you should be able to find a family membership to a place like this for around $40-$50.

1. Maid Service – New parents are so busy, even if they do have extra time they don’t want to spend it cleaning house they want to spend it with their new baby. I think the perfect gift for new parents is a gift of maid service. This gives the new parents a chance to relax and have fun with their new baby without having to worry about doing boring household chores. This is also a perfect gift because you can make it work no matter what your budget is. You can just give a gift certificate for whatever amount you are looking to spend. I would try to give them a maid service once a week for at least a month.