Top 10 Chores for Your Children

As my kids age and their need for bigger and bigger toys arise, the issue of allowance has been coming up more frequently. Aside from my kids wanting to buy more expensive toys, I think giving an allowance will help to teach kids about money and responsibility. First off, that money doesn’t grow on trees and that you have to earn it. Secondly, they’ll see how fast it goes once you start spending it. My kids know that they’re responsible for their toys and such, but now that they’re getting older I feel that they can handle bigger chores. In addition, I think it’s also very important to keep the chores age appropriate, so the kids can handle the task without getting hurt or frustrated. In trying to keep everything organized and making sure all of these chores are accomplished, we will be using chore charts. The best charts that I found are on You can make a customizable chore chart on this website.

Here are chores that we’re considering for our kids:

Take out the Trash

Some kids may need help pulling it out of the trash can and tying up the bag. Also, depending how heavy it is, some kids may require assistance with getting it into the outside trash bin.

Take care of recyclables

This is a great job to give to a child, so they can learn at a young age how important it is to recycle. Children can take the items out to bin and also take the bin to the curb on trash pick up day.

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Help with loading the dishwasher after meals

A very simple task that kids can help with, just be careful of breakable items.

Help with unloading the dishwasher after meals

Again, another simple task kids can help out with. Also, watch out for breakables.

Make bed

I would be happy with at least getting the comforter over the sheets and having their stuff animals or whatnot organized on top of the comforter.

Put clothes and /or towels in hamper

Instead of leaving clothes anywhere they feel like it, putting their stuff in the hamper would be a great idea.

Put clothes away after they have been washed and folded

Hopefully, doing this task will help kids take pride in their drawers and they won’t just fling things out of their drawers when a certain item can’t be located. If they put their own stuff away, they’ll know exactly where everything can be found.

Help with yard work

If your kids are younger, some simple yard work would be watering the flowers, helping pick up sticks and other debris that may be lying around. As the kids get older, definitely mowing the lawn would be a great chore for a child to do.

Help set the table for meals

Another very simple task that even very little kids can help out with.

Simple cleaning tasks around the house

Depending on the age of your child, there are numerous chores for kids to undertake. For a younger child, an ideal chore would be to help sweep up messes under the table after meal. For an older child, they can use a vacuum for their chore.

See also  Simple Chores for Kids, Ages 3 and Older
