Top 10 Blogs About Technology News

Technology blogs can cover anything from biotechnology to games to nanotechnology and Silicon Valley. The following 10 technology blogs cover technology news, science news, legal and technical issues related to technology as well as bogging, domain names and privacy issues.

Techcrunch refers to itself as “technology news done right” and when it comes to technology blogs, three out of four geeks agree. Techcrunch is easy on the eyes and covers news you may not have seen elsewhere yet. This technology blog “obsessively” profiles and reviews new Internet companies and products. In addition to archives, this tech blog organizes blog entries with a company and product index.

John Batelle’s SearchBlog is a technology blog for the modern thinker. Searchblog examines the “intersection of search, media, technology and more.” This tech blog is organized, searchable and archived back to 2003.

What’s Next in Science & Technology diverges from most other “technology blogs” as it is truly about technology. This blog is a must-visit for when your brain is hungry for technology tidbits.

What’s Next in Science & Technology is a news blogs that highlights “scientific innovations which will drastically change our lives.” You’ll have to go elsewhere to find information on gadgets and gizmos, as this blog does not cover them. This searchable blog covers mainly Biology, Electronics, Medicine, Nanotechnology, Physics and Space. There are also numerous entries on the Brain. Chemistry, Earth Science, Computing and the Environment. Also covered are communication, engineering, flight, home, body, heart, robotics, safety and security, science, transportation and work.

LexBlog Blog Although directed as lawyers and other legal types, this technology blog covers legal news related to blogs. And who isn’t interested in blogs and a little thing called the First Amendment?

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Valleywag is by far the coolest and gossipiest of the technology blogs covering news. Valleywag calls itself “a tech gossip rag, focusing mainly on the people and stories of San Francisco and Silicon Valley.” For a dose of fun in your technology blog news with your morning Jolt, try this site.

When you want you technology blog filled with just news and not a lot of distracting graphics, try TechnoClicks. TechnoClicks fills your tech news craving with a buffet of Apple, Hardware, the Internet, Microsoft, Network, Open Source, Software, Wireless Mobile. Content is archived and searchable. This technology blog has a serious feel.

Despite his over-sized image at the top of the page, any technology blog run by founder must be worthwhile. Bob Parsons’ technology blog ,gets at the heart of the Internet by discussing hot Internet and political issues and the latest developments at industry-leading domain registrar A must-read for Internetphiles and webmasters alike.

O’Reilly Radar is a technology blog that picks up on Internet, cultural and marketing trends by tracking Internet searches, conducting research and predicting the next big thing. This technology blog is a window into tomorrow and is dense with information.

Slashdot subtitles itself “the nuts and volts of news for nerds.” What makes Slashdot a cornerstone in the world of technology blogs is that anyone can submit relevant stories and they will be posted. Categories covered on this technology blog include Apple, Games, Hardware, Interviews, IT, Linux, Politics and Science.

Kuro5hin is another technology blog for thinkers. This collaborative blog covers both technology and culture as well as their interaction. Categories on this tech blog include culture, diaries, media, news politics, science and technology.

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So whether you’re looking for gossipy Silicon Valley news, the latest in legalese affecting blogs, Internet trends, Internet companies or all of the above, one of these technology blogs should satiate your appetite.
