Toddler Stages of Development

The toddler stage of development is the most important stage of development in a child’s life. This is the stage when children begin to form the character that will follow them for the rest of their lives. This is an important stage for children, yet it is also a very hectic and hard stage for the parents.

The toddler stage is the time when a child is learning to walk, talk and get around. The age that a child should reach milestones is not firmly defined and has no specific timetable. There’s no rule saying the child should be at the toddler stage by the time they are 10 months old, for instance. As a rule of thumb though, the toddler stage runs through a child’s 1’s and 2’s, and a chile should progress out of the “toddler” phase at around 2 1/2 to 3 years of age. This is not a, “hard and fast rule” and there may be nothing wrong if a child takes a little extra time to progress.

Toddler Year One

The first year of the toddler is in the stage generally from child ages of 1 to 2.

During this first year the child begins to learn to feed themselves. They will start to walk and ultimately be able to walk backwards. The toddler will be able to drink from a cup and begin to be able to stack blocks. All of these are important formative processes in the first year of a growing toddlers development. It is the beginning the development of a the toddlers motor skills.

Socially the toddler will begin to get into the “terrible twos” stage of development during this period. They do not like sharing. They may throw tantrums. They are jealous and may get upset whenever parents are not around.

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During this stage of development the child should also be able to name body parts and the parts for familiar pictures like, “cat”, “dog” and “house.

Toddler Year Two

In the second year, was the toddler begins to get a lot more advanced. They begin to learn socialization. They can tell you what they want and desire. They begin to string together longer series of words, perhaps as many as three or four words at a time. They become more self-assured, but they still desire their parents and security. They begin to do the opposite of things that are asked to see what the boundaries are. This stage is very important for understanding those important socialization skills.

During this phase toddlers are very active. They start moving around with alacrity. They are curious by nature. They want to take things apart and discover they work. They want to explore and run around. They’re discovering the world and everything in it. Expect a child of this age to run everywhere and to move like Quicksilver.

The end of Toddler Stage

The end of the toddler stage is generally considered to be the time when a child begins to desire to be potty trained. When this monumental event happens the child is generally considered to be in preschooler stage.
