Tips to Parenting Teenage Son

Parenting teens require special focusing by parent and more so for raising teenage son. This is period for your teenage son to get physical and physiological changes, which is quite natural and as a parent you should guide him, teach him and talk to him about the physical changes that occur at this stage to all the boys. Raising children need a lot of patience by the parents to up bring them as right and virtuous human being and a fine citizen.

Following are the tips to parenting teens :

Tips to parenting teenage son # 1
When you son starts growing in to teens, he experiences many physical changes including increase in height, growing of hair in different parts of body, change in voice, increase in size of penis and testicles. As a parent you should be free to talk to your son about these physical changes which he should to understand that are natural as when one get older and enter puberty. Boys are very shy and don’t share their emotions very easily. Puberty can cause insecurity, worry and tension to boys, so make sure you’re reassuring and open to questions and their doubts during your discussion with the boy.

Tips to parenting teenage son # 2
With the physical changes and growth of puberty hair in the private parts and under arms pits boys as well as girls start producing odor. Help him in cleaning the hair under arms pits and advise him to use deodorants. Make him habit to wash arms and private parts and keep them dry. Raising children need special attention as a parent one should devote more time with your boy and be a friend and trust worth, so that teenage son can open his feeling to you.

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Tips to parenting teenage son # 3
Parenting teens should give special emphasis on balance and health food habits. This is the phase your son requires maximum nutrition for his over all growth. Give your son lots of proteins, iron, calcium, fresh green vegetables, milk and fibrous food. Provide plenty of water and other citrus juices for your teens.

Tips to parenting teenage son # 4
Teenage boys normally wear camouflage, an imperceptible guard. Teenage boys pose different to the outside world, which is an artificial self-confidence and boasting, and normally hide feelings of vulnerability, powerlessness, and isolation. This causes, insecurity in them and start feeling depressed. They remain unhappy, aloof, don’t mix with friend’s and lag behind in their academic performance.

So, as parenting teens, you need to understand his inner feelings. You should as a parenting teens, need to talk to him, give your love affection and gain in confidence. You should as a parenting teen should pay more attention to trival matters and any other signs. Spend more time with him, talk to him, comfort him. Pay attention to signs include everything from bad grades, poor marks in his exams to unruly behavior, from “remaining quiet” to manifesting symptoms of depression, from using drugs or alcohol to becoming a perpetrator or victim of violence.

Tips to parenting teenage son # 5
Teenage boys also require personal space and as a parenting teen should help him in his growth and should not put undue pressure. At this stage children, especially boys tend to be bit unruly, violent and aggressive. You should as a parenting teen should understand the signs and tactfully handle the case. Be more of a friend then worried parent. Give him reassurance, make him feel that he is special to you, give all your love and guide him rather push him or thrust your feeling on him. If you pressurize him they can tend to be violent, unruly and can even create very uncomfortable situations.

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So, while raising children and more so parenting teen boys require great patience, deal with uncomfortable situation very tactfully without getting in to violent act by yourself. Give all love and attention to your teenage boy for his great feature.