Tips to Make a Child’s Swing Safe

Swing sets in a backyard can be fun but they can cause injuries to the kids who use them. A swing set is a relaxing way to have fun but it won’t be relaxing if it is dangerous to use. A swing that is unsafe can ruin a fun time for kids and parents. You can put up a swing set and make it safe to use with some safety tips for swing sets. You can also make an existing swing set safer to use.

The ground that the swing set is on should be a big consideration. Gravel should never be under a swing set. The ground under the swing set should be a softer type of material like sand. Rubber mats are a good material to put on the ground under a swing set. You can also put a deep layer of wood chips or sand under a swing set. Any child’s outdoor apparatus should have a cushion that extend about six feet over the play equipment in all directions.

A swing set that has open S-hooks can cause a accident to happen. Close all the open S-hooks on the swing set. You can always pry the S-hooks open again if you need to do so.

Check all chains and metal parts on a swing set for sharp points. A sharp point can make a gouge or bad cut in someone who rubs against it. Sharp points can tear clothing and hurt and unsuspecting child. You should take a file and file down all sharp points on a swing set to prevent any accidents from happening.

Rocks can be a accident waiting to happen. A child can trip or fall on a rock and get hurt. Take out all rocks in and around the swing set to prevent accidents from happening.

See also  How to Clean Outdoor Wooden Swing Sets

A swing set that rocks can tip over and be very dangerous. Don’t let a child play on a tippy swing set. Make sure a swing set is set in the ground tightly so the swing set can not tip over. You may need to cement the ends of the swing set into the ground to keep it from being tippy.

A safe swing set is a lot of fun to play with. You can keep your kids safe by keeping the place they play safe. Inspect your child’s swing set to be sure it is safe for them to use.