Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn

Before we look at different ways to avoid freezer burn, let’s first talk about what freezer burn is. Many people get confused and think that any ice crystals that form on frozen foods is freezer burn, but they aren’t. Freezer burn, according to, is discoloration that appears on improperly or inadequately packaged frozen food, caused by evaporation of moisture.. The normal ice crystals that form on frozen foods can lead to freezer burn, but foods with ice crystals can also be perfectly fine. Before throwing away any food, inspect it closely. Meat that has freezer burn will appear grey and dry, while other foods may only be discolored. Now that we know what freezer burn actually is, let’s talk about protecting our foods from it.

Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn #1: Use Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil is one of the best ways to avoid freezer burn on meat. Simply wrap cuts of meat in two layers of aluminum foil and close the ends securely. Aluminum foil does a wonderful job at keeping air away from your foods, because the package is almost air free, when properly wrapped.

Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn #2: Squeeze Air Out

When using zip top bags, be sure to remove all the air from the bag. You can do this in one of two ways. First, you can insert a straw in the bag and suck out the air. Or, you can place your food inside and then roll the bag up, pushing out all of the air.

See also  Causes and Prevention of Freezer Burn

Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn #3: Use a Food Saver

Food savers are a must if you freeze a lot of food. Food savers allow you to place foods in customizable bags and then they suck out every bit of air, leaving the package air tight. These air tight packages make it almost impossible for freezer burn to set in.

Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn #4: Double Wrap

If you don’t want to invest in a food saver, you can double wrap your foods to help avoid freezer burn. After you have wrapped meats in aluminum foil, place it in a zip top bag and then remove the excess air. This is the best way to avoid freezer burn without spending a fortune.

Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn #5: Don’t Overstock

When you overstock, air isn’t able to circulate and your food has a problem staying frozen. When you stock up, place stacks of items far enough away from each other to allow air to properly move throughout the items.

Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn #6: Freeze Foods in Small Portions

To help avoid freezer burn, freeze foods in small portions. Small portions of food will freeze more quickly than larger packages will. The faster foods freeze, the less likely it is that they will quickly get freezer burn.

Tips to Avoid Freezer Burn #7: Keep the Door Closed

Freezer burn tends to happen when food thaws and refreezes. To help avoid this, keep the door closed as much as possible. The more you open the door, the more cold air escapes and this can lead to your foods thawing and refreezing.

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