Tips for Watergun Races at the Beach and Local Carnivals

One of the games that appears to be the easiest to win in the water gun games you will see when you are at your local carnival or the beach. The goal seems easy, just hit the target more effectively than your opponents. It’s not that easy. From the description just given, most people would assume this game is a game of skill. In the end though luck plays a very large role in determining whether you win or not. The game comes in several varieties. Some will have horses racing across a playing area based on your accuracy with the water gun. Others will have you pop a balloon based on the same target shooting skill, and yet others will have you fill a column of water. My biggest tip to you in any of these games is to watch before you play.

The cost of this game is in general relatively fair when there are enough players for the winner to have a choice of any prize on the wall. In general this will take about 10-12 players for this to happen. I would strongly suggest against playing this game when there are fewer players because it will take multiple wins to get the large prizes. Therefore you will have to spend more even if you win ever game you play with fewer players. Honestly though this game is one I would recommend that you play if you are interested in the prizes offered, but do a little research first.

Even though it appears that ever player’s gun is created equally they aren’t. The aim on all of them can be off by just a little bit. The other thing to consider is even if you hit the bulls-eye perfectly from the beginning with your stream of water is seems that doesn’t guarantee a win. The truth is that the center of the target is not always perfect for each playing area. Watch a few games before playing and try to figure out if a certain seat is winning most of the games. If this is happening and especially if it happens with different players in that set, there’s a good chance that seat has an advantage. Of course now that you know that, make sure you get that seat when you play. This still does not guarantee a win, but increases your odds. This is why the game has more luck based on it than you would think. In reality the calibration of the playing area for each player almost plays as large as a role in determining the winner as your accuracy does.

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Again, this is a fun game to play, especially for younger children. If your children don’t mind winning a smaller prize, then you might want to consider playing when the game has fewer players. Again, it will take multiple wins to trade up for larger prizes, but the people you compete against is fewer so your odds increase in winning the game. Even in this situation though, make sure you observe the game before sitting to give yourself an advantage. Good luck shooting, and hopefully you will get a nice prize for a low cost entry of a couple bucks.