Tips for Starting Your Own Jewelry of the Month Club

Creating and selling handmade jewelry can be rewarding and a lot of fun. Sometimes it’s also very hard to part with your creations as well. After all the time, effort, and thought that went into making your design, it’s almost sad to see them go. But in the end, you know that you will be making somebody very happy with their new piece of jewelry.

When starting your own jewelry business, things can start our fairly slow. There’s a lot of marketing involved to get your name out there. New businesses take a lot of time and effort to sell their first few products. An easy way to begin a jewelry business is to offer a special incentives club. Creating a special jewelry of the month club could be an easy way to get your business off of the ground. After designing your website or catalog, including information about how possible customers could sign up for a monthly club could catch their interest.

A jewelry business could offer a club that would offer customers a chance at having a new piece of jewelry every month. By receiving a new piece of jewelry each month, the potential client could get an idea of what kinds of designs that you sell, and the style of your jewelry. It also gives the customer something new and exciting to look forward to each month.

If you have a website, you could set up a separate page describing the benefits of being in a jewelry of the month club. Include a price for the first month’s trial, and then a regular price for each month. Allow the customer to cancel on their own terms, so that they don’t feel obligated to stay with your club forever. Sometimes financial hardships come along, and then it’s hard for them to belong to extra clubs. When customers leave a club for some time, always allow them a special offer to come back to get benefits from the club.

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Other details that would be great for jewelry customers to have for a jewelry of the month club is including favorite colors of each client. Create a form that would allow them to input their special favorite colors, and specific sizes as well. Include different pieces of jewelry such as bracelets, earrings, or a necklace. You could even include combination sets. When clients enjoy getting a new piece of surprise jewelry each month, they might even decide to order other extra pieces from your website.

When your jewelry business does most of it’s orders through mail order catalog, include a special insert about club information as well. This would work well for businesses who don’t use websites or the internet to collect new customers. If you are the type that throw jewelry home parties, this also works well. Pass out a flyer to all of those who attend, and have samples of the kinds of jewelry that would be mailed out

Make sure that you also contact friends, family, and anybody else that you might know about the club too. Introducing potential clients to a jewelry of the month club, gives you a chance to gain new customers in the future. Send out emails to any current customers too.

Ladies enjoy getting new jewelry, and this club also would make a great gift to give during the holidays as well. Starting a jewelry club is fun, easy, and exciting with all of the potential ways to gain new customers, and create a new fascinating design every month.
