Tips for Raising Your Puppy

Puppies are just like small children they need love and care. You not only have to train them where they need to go but also train them on what limits they are allowed.

So, your ready to take on the responsibility of rearing a puppy. Before you tackle raising a puppy there are some things you need to know.

When you first bring home your puppy set up an area for his food, water, and bedding. The area should be clean and warm. Make sure you wash his bedding right before and after flea season. Your Vet should be able to give times when flea eggs hatch. Check with your Vet for the proper protection you need to put on your puppy. As your puppy grows flea and tick protection will need to be adjusted. The proper amount is determined by weight of the animal.

It would be good idea to see your Vet within the first few weeks you bring home your puppy. Puppies are more susceptible to dog diseases and your puppy will need to be inoculated and boosters as he grows. Your Vet can also check the overall health of the puppy. If you purchased your puppy from a reputable pet shop or breeder his health should be good.

Feeding your puppy you need to watch for any food allergies. Not all foods are good for all dogs. Just like humans some dogs can have allergies and some types of food are the cause. If your having difficulty finding a good brand of puppy food you can ask your Vet for some recommendations. Most puppies will find store bought foods to be adequate but stick to the major brands. If your puppy develops loose stools you may have to change brands.

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Right after play and after a puppy eats is a good time to train your puppy on where you want him to go. It takes repetition and patience to paper train or train him to go outside. Taking your puppy for short walks will help him understand what you want of him. Make sure you take a bag to pick up any droppings.

Play time is crucial in a puppies development. Set aside a time to play with your puppy. Some doggy toys excite them and they enjoy playing with you. This is an important time that puppies begin to bond with their owners.

Whatever you allow your puppy to do will be carried over into his adult life. If you allow him on the furniture it will be more difficult to try and keep him off when he is older. The same goes with jumping on people. Whatever you think is cute now may not be cute when he is older especially if you have a large breed. Any bad habits he learns as a puppy will be carried over into his adult life so make sure its something you will allow.

His overall growth and development depends so much on you. These tips should help you have many rewarding years with your dog.