Tips for Preventing Airplane Sinus Headaches

Anyone who suffers from sinus headaches, such as myself, knows how painful they can be. It’s hard to function as you battle mucous and congestion. If you’re like most sufferers, a sinus headache can prohibit you from accomplishing your normal routine, as you’re in too much pain to get much work done. However, sinus headaches can really be a killjoy when you’re on vacation. Unfortunately, many come down with them from flying and may not even realize how it happens.

What Causes Sinus Headaches

The sinuses are the bony, air-filled head cavities connecting to the nose through small openings. When sinuses become congested or clogged, a sinus headache occurs. Most often, sinus headaches happen during a cold or allergy attack, as the small openings are blocked with excess mucus, becoming infected. But maybe you don’t realize that you can also get a sinus headache from flying.

Before Your Flight

Take sinus medications—-There are effective over-the-counter medications you can take for a sinus headache. Get a prescription for Nasonex as it’s excellent for sinus headaches. Also, take Tylenol cold tablet in addition to a using a decongestant spray. Apply the nasal decongestant about an hour before taking off. Besides packing antihistamines, you can also lessen your chances for a sinus headache.

Take long hot showers—Just before your flight, take a long hot shower. As breathing moist air is a good preventative, a long hot shower works similar to a vaporizer in that it cleans out decongestion. It’s also a good idea to get a spa treatment just before your flight.

Foods to eat and avoid—-Think hot and spicy. Before taking off, eat something hot and spicy, such as wasabi or a jalapeno as these hot spicy foods help to clear out On the other hand, it’s proably best to stay away from dairy products just before you leave for your flight, if you know this affects your sinuses.

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Hydrate—-Several days before your flight, fill up on lots of water.

During Your Flight

Chew gum—Be sure to have a pack of gum on your carry-on bag. While the cabin pressure is changing, chewing gum will help.

Drink water—Rather than ask for coffee, soda, or anything carbonated, choose water. Drink as much as possible during your flight.

Avoid alcohol and caffiene—Besides staying clear of caffeine, also avoid alcohol as this also can cause a sinus headache while flying.

If You Still Get a Sinus Headache

If you do come down with a sinus headache during your flight, be sure to take measure to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Treatments can be everything from nasal rinse, antibiotics, hot showers, decongestants, to herbal teas. Try to develop a positive attitude, reassuring yourself that it will pass and you will feel human again. Another effective devise is the Neti Pot (recently featured on Oprah) which has a sinus rinse.

However, if you continue to get more sinus headaches when you’re home from your trip, and they get even worse, it’s good to seek medical help to see what can be done. In severe cases, surgery may even be advisable.