Tips for Mary Kay Consultants: How to Find New Customers and Recruits for Your Mary Kay Business

Do you sell Mary Kay? Are you a Mary Kay beauty consultant or director looking for opportunities to find new customers? Searching for tips on how to get new clients and book facials? Need some ideas to locate women who might be interested in also selling Mary Kay? Here are a few suggestions that might be beneficial for your Mary Kay business.

Advertise to College Students

Do you live in a college town? Is there a university in your area? If so, this is a great place to find new customers, and book Mary Kay parties. I highly recommend making fliers (be sure they are attractive and appealing) and posting them on campus bulletin boards.

For example, you could hang a flier in a girls’ dorm that said “Can’t afford make-up right now? Book a Mary Kay party with a few friends and receive credit for free and discounted Mary Kay make-up!” Then include your name and information, preferably have your business cards available.

Another suggestion for a flier is “Want to Look Your Best for your upcoming job interview? – Book a Mary Kay Facial!” Some colleges do require all fliers to be approved before hanging them on campus. If you see that the fliers on boards are stamped with “Approved” ( or something like that), be sure to ask where you can get the flier reviewed by campus administration.

An excellent idea is to contact the president or vice president of a sorority or women’s social club. When they learn how much they can earn in free make-up for hosting the party, they might consider your offer. It is great if you can offer to use your home for the party as well. If you know of any girls attending the college, contact them and encourage them to book a party or get a facial.

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The downside is that college students aren’t likely to spend a whole lot on Make-Up. However, the upside is that you are more likely to recruit other consultants, and in the long run, your efforts could pay off tremendously.

You could also possibly advertise in a local college newspaper. While you will have to pay a fee, if you find just one customer out it, it will be worth it. (It is usually fairly inexpensive to advertise in college newspapers.) Also, some colleges have a fair every year for new and returning students, where you can set up a booth and pass out your card and fliers. Some colleges also publish a coupon book each year for new students and would be thrilled to include your Mary Kay business in it.

Advertise to Brides

Know someone getting married? Offer to do her make-up (and possibly her bridesmaids’ make-up) for free on her wedding day in exchange for her hosting a Mary Kay party with her bridesmaids and friends. (Not on her wedding day, of course!) You might get some new customers, and it will be a fun experience. Encourage her to book the party before the wedding day, so she will earn credit towards free make-up.

Most cities and large towns have a yearly bridal show. It would be a fantastic idea to rent a booth at the show, and possibly find new customers and/or recruits. Also, if there is a bridal magazine in your area, consider placing an ad. You might look online and advertise on online local bridal websites.

Another helpful suggestion is to leave your cards and/or fliers at bridal dress shops. Perhaps the owner of the store will allow you to leave your cards at the counter – it never hurts to ask.

Advertise to Moms

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An additional terrific idea is to share Mary Kay with moms in your area. Visit,, and – there’s bound to be local moms groups and playgroups in your area. Contact the group facilitator and ask if she’d like to earn free Mary Kay make-up by hosting a Mary Kay party. You could even make it a combined play-date / Mary Kay Party. My playgroup had a Mary Kay party a few weeks ago, and the hostess earned $75.00 in free make-up, with just a few moms there.

These are just three fantastic ideas on how to grow your Mary Kay Business. Happy Facial-ing!