Tips for Juggling a Soccer Ball

Juggling a soccer ball is both an impressive and difficult skill. Mastering this skill generally requires plenty of practice and dedication to the game, and many people give up before they ever truly master the art of juggling. Those who do finally achieve their juggling goals will readily let any beginner know that success as this skill only comes with hard work and practice and that most people can probably learn how to juggle a soccer ball successfully if they really try hard and commit to practicing. Here are a few tips for anyone who is determined to learn this fun little trick.

1) Practice with a regular (around a size five or so) soccer ball. Small balls are usually harder to juggle with, and practicing with one of the smaller sizes will just be more frustrating. Since you will normally be playing with a larger/regular sized ball, practicing with one also is simply the most practical.

2) If you are having trouble with initiating the juggling with the regular roll back/flip up of the ball, then try just dropping it onto hard pavement and allowing it to bounce first. This should give you enough air beneath the ball to fully get your foot under it in order to juggle it. Once you can juggle the ball for a few times from this drop-and-bounce method, then go back to rolling your foot over the ball and quickly shoving your toes under it to flick it upwards. Again, since this last method of starting the juggling is harder (although, certainly more legitimate), start with the drop-and-bounce method.

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3) Many beginners have the temptation to try to juggle a soccer ball with a fairly flexed foot. Do not do this. Instead, your foot should actually be a little bit more on the relaxed to floppy side of tension. Having a flexed foot generally will not allow enough surface room on the top of your foot for a consistent juggling scheme, as the area between your foot and shin is too small. With a more relaxed foot, this space is bigger, thus allowing for a better foot-ball ratio of foot surface area.

4) Try not to kick the ball over your eye level when juggling. You really should try to keep the ball more around waste height in order to maintain maximum control over it. While this may be harder at first, realize that doing so will actually improve your control over the ball in the long run.

5) If you’re still having trouble with starting the juggle and the drop-and-bounce method is not working too well for you, try dropping the ball on your bent knee to start. This will give your leg feeling of direct contact with the ball immediately and often helps some beginners get the feeling of it better.

6) Don’t be afraid to use both feet. Many beginners are under the mistaken impression or habit that they should only use their dominant foot while juggling. Don’t do this; instead, use the other foot as needed in order to keep the ball in motion. As long as the ball in being bounced into the air and your hands aren’t touching it, then you are making progress in your juggling skills.