Tips for How to Help Your Toddler when They Have the Stomach Flu

Nothing can pain a parent’s heart more than seeing their toddler or infant suffering with an illness. The stomach flu unfortunately is a common experience for toddlers. That doesn’t make it any easier on them or us as parents. Here are some tips that can help you during these ailments. As a parent you will find that your child just isn’t themselves, so don’t try to force anything upon them. Instead use the tips in this article to help them feel more comfortable. Remember, the more comfortable they feel, the more comfortable you will feel as a parent.

On New Year’s Eve my wife and I were at a party with family friends who all had children under the age of five. About an hour in, our son unfortunately got ill due to a stomach flu. Throughout the night, he seemed to feel better after vomitting, but then after drinking water got ill about an hour later again. The poor little guy was obviously scared, calling for us each time he got ill. We would hold him, and comfort him, but unfortunately there was not much we could do to make it better.

The only things you really can do for a child when he has a stomach flu these days are to try to comfort them and make them feel better. They are not going to want to eat, so do not force food on them. Keep in mind how you feel when you have a stomach flu. One thing you will want to do though is to make sure you help your child drink as much fluid as possible. They will have a natural reaction as they get dehydrated to want to have fluids. Make sure these are clear, light liquids. The best options for a toddler include water, apple juice, or white grape juice.

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One thing to keep in mind that has changed in the past year is that many children’s medication has been removed from the shelves at your local drug store or grocery store. This is because it has been determined that the medicine is not effective, and pediatricians no longer recommend it. Do not use any old medicine you have around the house counting on it working to help your child. Instead, time is the best cure for the stomach flu.

As your child starts to be able to keep fluids down, they still will probably show little interest in solid food. Consider using soup as a method to get some nutrients into your child. Also choose food that is rather bland such as bread. Remember, they might associate the food they ate with their stomach not feeling well. This is only natural. A day of missing meals will not hurt your child as they recover from the stomach flu, but if you are concerned you might want to purchase Pediasure. This is a liquid that will help keep your child hydrated, but will also supply them with nutrients they are lacking during the day due to their lack of interest in eating.

Some basic care and attention can help both you and your toddler get through their stomach flu, which can be a common ailment this time of year as the weather turns colder and wetter.