Tips for Creating Your Wedding Website

Today, it is not uncommon for engaged couples to create a website for their wedding. Wedding websites are a fast and convenient way to share important news and information with your wedding guests, and are also a great way to show off those engagement photos you spent hundreds on. There are literally dozens of website providers that allow you to create a free domain name to advertise and share your wedding with friends and family. However, many couples are unsure where to start and what to include when they sit down to create theirs. Here are some hints and tips that will help your create a fabulous wedding website.

Choose Your Website Carefully

With so many wedding website providers out there, be picky when choosing the one you want your site through. Not all wedding website providers offer the same services and page layouts, so compare the designs, colors, fonts and pages available through several before committing to one.,, and are all wedding website providers to consider. Some of them give you only basic pages to fill out, such as a page for directions, a page for nearby hotels, and a page for guests to RSVP. Other providers give you dozens of customizable pages, such as a page for guests to request songs for the reception, a page to fill out information about your bridal party, and a page to brag about the proposal and your love story. Keep in mind that some providers allow you to upload only 10 photos, so choose one that meets your photo needs. Try to find a provider that offers a design that fits your wedding colors and theme. Your wedding website is one of the first things your guests will see involving your wedding, so you want it to leave them with a taste of how your wedding day will look and feel.

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Keep it Private

Before you even think about posting a blog about your proposal or adding directions to your wedding venue, create a password for guests to enter when trying to access your site. Most providers give you the option to password protect your site, so take advantage of it. For every guest you want to know the time, date and loation of your wedding, there are hundreds of random strangers, ex lovers, and worst enemies that you don’t want knowing any of the day’s details. When you send out your save-the-dates or invitations, include a link to your registry alongside the password.

Do it Together

Try not to commandeer the wedding website when you start creating it. Remember that it is both your and your fiance’s special day. Set aside an afternoon to sit down and write it out together. This way you each have a say in how the site is worded.

Keep it Simple

Keeping it simple is essential when creating your wedding website. Don’t overload the pages with photos or words. Try not to place more than two photographs per page to keep it looking clean and organized. If you have a lot of engagement photos you want to show off, create a separate photo gallery on your site for your guests to view. When it comes to wording, keep it clear and concise. This will make all of the information on the site easy for your guests to understand and remember.

Share Your Registry

Etiquette dictates that it is rude to include your registry information on your wedding invitations, but including it on your wedding website is perfectly acceptable. Create a page for your site that includes a link to your registry along with a short note to your guests. This way your guests will know where you are registered without having to ask around and without you looking selfish and rude.