Tips for Controlling Fleas on Dogs

One of the most difficult issues to face in the realm of pet ownership is mastering the ability to control fleas on dogs. This is simply because every single time that a dog goes outside of the home it is at risk for infestation, and the odds are that sooner or later a dog will eventually be affected. Controlling fleas on dogs begins with a pet owner controlling their dog’s movements and taking the proper preventative measures to maintain property so as not to create a habitat that is attractive to fleas and ticks. By keeping a lawn maintained at a short height and weeds removed from the yard a pet owner can create an environment that is friendly for pets and greatly reduce the threat of flea infestation. A simple measure such as running a brush over a dog for 15 seconds prior to entering the home can dislodge any fleas that may be hitching a ride, and keep them off of the dog and out of your home.

Controlling fleas on dogs starts with making certain that a dog is regularly groomed, and is inspected for the presence of fleas. An average flea can be smaller than the head of a pin and are difficult to see on a dog, especially one that is dark colored or black. Until the presence and magnitude of the infestation is established, it is uncertain what corrective measures should be applied to the issue. An excellent manner in which to assess flea infestation is to place white-colored or wax paper on a tile floor and then comb or brush the dog while standing over it. In a heavy infestation the fleas may be visually detected as the dog is groomed. In flea presence of lesser severity, flea “dirt” or feces may be seen on the paper beneath the dog, marked by small dark spots. In any level of infestation the pet owner should immediately take action the prevent the situation from getting worse.

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The response to controlling fleas on dog should be in direct proportion to the level of infestation. Often times for a minor issue, a dog can be treated with a commercial preparation such as Frontline or Advantage and the problem will resolve itself rather quickly. In circumstances of heavy flea infestation a dog may require a flea bath at a groomer or Veterinarian’s office. If fleas have established a heavy presence in the home itself, it can become a laborious task to remove them in totality. This usually entails the use of a “flea bomb”, which spreads a fine vapor of flea-killing poison throughout the home. If this is the case, a very good way to good about it is to drop the dog off at the Veterinarian or groomer for it’s bath as early in the day as is possible. Then go back to the house and set off the “flea bomb” and leave the house again for approximately 5 hours. After the time has elapsed, return home and open all of the windows to allow any remaining vapor to escape while you travel to get your dog.

It is imperative in controlling fleas on dogs to make certain that a dog is guarded with a commercial flea repellent, especially in the warm months. With frequent grooming and a visual inspection of the animal, the task of controlling fleas on dogs can be made easier by discovering their presence sooner.