Tips for Cleaning Shower Heads

Nobody likes climbing into the shower and turning the nozzle full blast only to discover a trickle. If you have noticed that your shower has been loosing pressure of late then perhaps it is time to spend some time in the bathroom cleaning shower heads. Never fear, just follow these simple to follow steps and before you know it your shower will be back to full capacity.

If your shower head needs a light cleaning the first step you should try is to buy a product called CLR. CLR is a strong cleaning agent that can be mixed with a little water. Mix the appropriate amount of CLR into a cup large enough to fit around your shower head and soak your shower head for several minutes. This idea will work for slightly clogged shower heads so if you need to perform a more complete job of cleaning shower heads follow these steps.

Step 1
Remove your shower head from the stub on the wall buy using an adjustable wrench. If your shower head is slotted to accept an adjustable wrench just slip the wrench on and turn counter clock wise. Be careful to not force the shower head off when cleaning shower heads as this may cause you to break a pipe. If your shower head is not slotted for a wrench then it probably has a rough area where it connects into the stub that will allow you to grab hold and twist off.

Step 2
Once you have removed your shower head you are ready to attempt cleaning shower heads. Begin by disassembling your shower head as much as possible. Most shower heads cannot be disassembled beyond the small ring that surrounds your selector head. Remove the trim ring from around your shower head to expose the water jets. If you have an adjustable type shower head this trim plate covers the jets to give you the varying spray patterns associated with your shower head.

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Step 3
Blow through the end of the shower head to see if you can push air through the water jets. You may find that this unclogs your shower head. If not, proceed to step 4 making sure that your jets aren’t completely blocked. If your jets are completely blocked use a needle to push through into the jet as far as possible to test for clogging.

Step 4
Soak your shower head in a mixture of strong vinegar and hot water overnight. If you can still not blow through your shower head then proceed by soaking it in the above mentioned CLR mixture for up to 4 hours, or as long as it takes to unclog your shower head. If after 8 hours of soaking, your shower head is still clogged it may be time for a new shower head. Shower heads run anywhere from $10-200 dollars depending on the type of shower head you wish to use.

Step 5
Reattach your shower head the same way you removed it, however when you reinstall your shower head make sure and wrap your threads in some teflon tape or else your shower head will leak from the stub. Don’t over tighten your shower head, tighten just enough for no dripping to occur when the shower is on full blast.

Don’t waste to much time cleaning shower heads around your home. They are relatively inexpensive and will last a long time depending on the part of the country you live in.