Tips for Cleaning Gutters and Downspouts

As fall is nearing an end, the proper maintenance of gutters and downspouts is crucial for them to work properly. Leaves and debris such as sticks are common items that get stuck in gutters and downspouts, and can leave them damaged or not functioning properly. Cleaning gutters and downspouts is relatively simple, but does take some careful time and consideration to ensure your safety. This article will detail how to clean gutters and downspouts, and will include some safety tips.

What is stuck in gutters?

Leaves, sticks, acorns, and branches are common nuisances that are clogged in gutter and downspouts that make them work inefficiently. The debris are noticeable by sight and should be removed as they are seen; do not let them collect until you absolutely have to clean it.

When should I clean my gutter and downspout?

During the fall is when gutters typically are clogged with various debris that will cause them not to function properly. Gutters without a gutter guard should be cleaned bi-weekly, or when build up is clearly noticeable.

What materials do I need to clean my gutter and downspout?

Essentially, besides a ladder and a hose there is little that, you absolutely need, but there are some optional materials that would help get the job done faster.

• Extension ladder-needed to reach the gutter, I recommend using ladder grips or having another person spot, you while on the ladder to ensure your safety. Injuries are common from ladders slipping when reaching to pick out debris and leaves from gutters.

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• Heavy-duty multipurpose gloves- gutters and downspouts when damaged can have sharp edges that can cause injury; therefore, gloves are a great optional equipment to have for your own safety.

• Hose- after cleaning out the debris from the gutter a hose is the best way to get the leaves that are stuck in the gutter out and to wash out the smaller debris.

Trash bag- when you are on the ladder and are pulling out debris it is best to keep a trash bag handy to put the leaves and sticks into.

How do I clean my gutter and downspout?

Cleaning a gutter and downspout is actually very easy, but time consuming. Follow these step-by-step directions to ensure the quickest and safest way to clean them.

1. Gather all materials before hand, and purchase ladder grips (can be found at almost any hardware or home improvement store). The ladder grips are essential if you do not have a spotter because extension ladders can slip very easily, especially if you are doing a lot of reaching.

2. Remove all large debris, such as, sticks, branches, pinecones, and any other large debris that could not fit through the downspout and place them in your trash bag.

3. Once the large debris are removed you have two options: either remove the leaves by hand or by hose. Using a hose to remove leaves is effective, but only when the buildup is not substantial. I recommend using the hose to remove the leaves once you have removed the bulk of them first. Remember you have to fit all the leftover debris through the downspout; therefore, you do not want to have a cluster of leaves piling up just to have to clean the downspout again.

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4. To remove leaves you can get creative with the tools you use; I have used a hand spade in the past, but I found that using my hands is just as effective.

5. Use the hose to clear out any remaining debris, and then you have successfully cleaned your home gutter and downspout!