Throw a Bachelor Party: Good Clean Fun

Your best friend is getting married, you want to throw him a bachelor party, but keep it clean, what do you do? What I mean by clean is no hookers, no strippers, just a clean bachelor party with a group of guy friends hanging out enjoying that last night before the knot is tied. Of course, you don’t want it to be boring, everyone sitting around staring at each other. You as the bachelor party thrower need to have a plan. Here are some ideas for a fun bachelor party, clean style.

1. A game of poker. Nothing beats a friendly game of poker for guys to start enjoying themselves. Plan a bachelor party to include the sound of poker chips clanking and the harassing of others as you take their money from them. What better way to have a clean bachelor party than to make a profit off of it.

2. Home movies. Collect an assortment of video clips that feature the guys at the bachelor party and relive the memories. Laugh at each other in the embarrassing moments caught on video.

3. Beer. What can go wrong with beer? Ok, maybe a bad question, but even at a clean bachelor party, it sure makes for a fun time – enough said.

4. Karaoke. Everyone has a rock star or country music singer in them somewhere. What better time to show your vocal talent and even your dance moves than at a bachelor party!

5. Scavenger hunt, clean bachelor party style. We all enjoyed scavenger hunts as little kids, why not as grown up kids? Pile up in cars and cruise the town and collect a kiss imprint from a random female, favorite sports team baseball cap, a ball and chain, something that has been published with the words “hot chick” on it, etc. You get the idea…be creative! A clean bachelor party can be a blast!

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6. Sports games. Divide the group of guys at the bachelor party into teams and play some friendly football or basketball. Guys like to sweat (making it a not so clean party) and since there will be no girls at this party, there will be no one to complain about how bad you smell afterwards.

7. Beer. O yea, I already said that, didn’t I!

8. Food contest. There’s always the normal milk chug challenge or the hot sauce bottle slam, but what about others for your bachelor party? How about the most boiled eggs consumed in one minute (beware of the smell, especially afterwards) or eating a bowl of refried beans with hands tied behind your back. (Once again, clean may go out the window on some of these.)

9. TP a house. Lots and lots and lots of toilet paper needed for this bachelor party event. Just make sure the house belongs to someone that will take it as a joke and not call the cops if you are discovered.

10. Play phone tag. Swap cell phones of those present at the bachelor party and find someone that you don’t know in your friend’s phone number list. Call that person from your friend’s phone and convince him/her that the owner of the phone has just been arrested for selling marijuana.

A clean bachelor party allows the guys to be guy one last time before the lucky one goes off and gets married. And no one has to worry about getting caught with their pants down!