Three Ways to Prevent Infant Hair Loss

With the admonishment by doctors, experts, and well-meaning relatives to put baby on his/her back to sleep, there has been an increase in baby hair loss at the back of their heads. But, sleeping on the back is not the only culprit in infant hair loss. If you want to help keep your baby’s beautiful, delicate hair intact, here are some ways to do that.

1. Put Them On Their Stomach Or Side To Go To Sleep.

For many parents, this seems like a radical step. Mothers for hundreds of years have laid their babies down on their stomach’s to go to sleep, and they slept just fine. Only in recent years have doctors promoted laying the baby on their back to go to sleep, because of associating it with a decreased risk for SIDS( Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). I have laid both of my babies on their stomach and side, and they both slept much better in those positions as opposed to on their back. My mother put all of her five children to sleep that way, and she said they slept so much better.

Not only does it help baby sleep better, but it also keeps them from rubbing their hair out in the back. I don’t know about you, but most babies I have seen have a huge bald spot, or almost bald spot on the back of their heads. It is not attractive. Most often, the culprit is laying them on their back to sleep, and they rub their delicate hair out. Try putting them on their side to go to sleep, if putting them on their stomach is too nerve wrecking for you.

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2. Prevent Cradle Cap

Cradle Cap is a common infant ailment that can often to lead to hair loss. Cradle Cap is a term used to define thick, crusty scales that can be found on an infant’s scalp. Removing the scales often leads to removing hair as well. How can you fend off bouts of Cradle Cap? Try keeping your infant’s scalp moisturized daily, as soon as you get them home. You can moisturize their scalp with small amounts of Vaseline, Baby Oil, Olive Oil, or any other kind of gentle oil. Gentle Naturals’ Cradle Cap care is also a good moisturizer. My mother used a shampoo called Cebulex, that she says is no longer sold. If you know of a store that sells it, she says it is the very best way to keep your infant from getting Cradle Cap.

3. Use Satin Blankets

Whenever my daughter is just laying on my bed playing on her back, instead of her drying her hair out by rubbing it back and forth against my cotton linen, she can do so against one of her satin blankets. Whether she is in her car seat or her baby seat, I have a small satin blanket to put behind her head for when she turns her head back and forth. It has helped tremendously with preventing hair loss, because it helps her hair retain moisture. Dry hair breaks. Keeping your baby’s hair moisturized, and keeping it that way through using satin blankets, will go a long way in helping to maintain your infant’s beautiful hair.

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These are three ways that have helped me to maintain my children’s delicate and beautiful hair. Your baby does not have to suffer from hair loss. Help to conserve your infant’s hair by following these three tips. They have worked wonders for my babies, and I’m sure they will work for you too.