Things That Cause Demyelinating Disease

A demyelization disease is any type of disease occurring in the nervous system where the myelin is damaged. Myelin is an insulating layer that surrounds the neurons in the nervous system. It is made up of lipid fat and protein. When this important layer is damaged, it is referred to as demyelination. When the central nervous system is affected by demyelization, the cause could be that of multiple sclerosis, Devic’s Syndrome or traverse myelitis. The peripheral nervous system can also be affected by Guillain-Barre Syndrome. The symptoms of demyelization may vary per patient and can include blurred vision affecting one eye, double vision, a tingling or numbness in the arms, chest, legs and face, weakness in the limbs, heat sensitivity, fatigue, dexterity loss, loss of balance and coordination and difficulty controlling the bladder and bowel. The presence of symptoms will depend on which neurons have been affected by the condition.

There are two types of demyelization diseases, acquired diseases and hereditary neurodegenerative disorders. The causes of these are different, but the outcome is the same. They both cause the destruction of myelin. When the myelin surrounding the neurons is damaged, further neurological harm is possible. Nerve impulses are severely affected and either slow or stop completely. Acquired diseases are the most common cause for demyelization, with multiple sclerosis at the top of the list. Multiple sclerosis attacks the white matter within the central nervous system and occurs in relapsing and remitting phases. Hereditary neurodegenerative disorders that cause demyelization disease include Refsum’s disease, any type of leukodystrophy, Krabbe’s disease, Canavan disease, Alexander’s disease and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. With these disorders, the storage of myelin is affected. When there is a lack of an enzyme such as myelin, a toxic buildup of chemical substances forms. Hereditary demyelization diseases usually affect patients in early childhood. The result is the loss of sight, hearing, speech or movement, or a combination of these. Unfortunately, the prognosis is tragic and most patients die within a few years after onset of this disease.

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Some of these diseases and disorders are treatable with medications that halt the destruction of myelin. The disease has to be diagnosed early and treatment started immediately to prevent further neurological problems. Unfortunately, there are some forms of the disease, such as multiple sclerosis, in which there is no available treatment. Studies and research projects are being conducted to try to find a way to restore and rebuild myelin that has been damaged. This could mean a cure for many of these diseases that have been fatal for years. Myelin is an important part of the nervous system and is required for normal brain function. If the myelin is disturbed or damaged, the brain will not function properly. The neurons will not be allowed to send the correct messages to body parts, thus resulting is the loss of vision, hearing, ability to walk or speak and other life altering changes.

Because of the many forms of demyelization diseases, it is difficult to diagnose and form a treatment plan. As mentioned, some forms are not treatable at all. Demyelinating diseases are a serious issue that result in fatalities every year. Doctors are working avidly to find a way to restore and produce healthy myelin with hopes of developing a cure for these debilitating diseases that affect millions of individuals worldwide.