The Zeno Mini: Zap Your Pimples Away

My daughter, along with the rest of the teenage world, suffers from acne. Although she is blessed and it is not severe, it is worrisome and can lead to scarring. We have tried every lotion, pad, and ointment known to the human race. Some work better than others do, but until recently we had not found a successful solution to her acne problem. A friend suggested we try a device called a Zeno Mini. I was able to find it at both of our local pharmacies – Walgreen’s and CVS Pharmacy.

So what type of a device is the Zeno Mini? At first glance, it looks like it could be a fancy lighter or maybe even a small IPOD. The Zeno Mini is a handheld device that is very easy to use. I tried it first to make sure that it would be usable by a young teen. The device fits neatly in the palm of your hand and is easy to grasp and to use. You can purchase the device in three different colors – white, black, or silver. We purchased the white Zeno Mini.

How does Zeno Mini work? Zeno Mini supplies a low-level heat that focuses on the inside of the acne bump instead of the outside. The premise behind this treatment is that bacteria lives on the inside and the heat will kill the bacteria and prevent the pimple from becoming a full-blown pimple. We have found that it is best to zap the pimple in its beginning stages as the results are better. Using Zeno Mini after the pimple is large does work, but the pimple does not go totally away. However when we zap it at the beginning phases, it goes away completely. So the key to keeping clear skin is to stay on top and zap the pimples as soon as they emerge.

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I tried the Zeno myself and it is totally painless. You can sometimes feel a nice warm heat on your skin, but this usually does not happen. You merely place the Zeno Mini right over the pimple and hold it there for about ten seconds, and that’s all.

The Zeno Mini comes with a carrying case and a treatment tip that is supposed to last for 45 treatments. We have purchased our refill tips at the local pharmacy where we bought it.

The Zeno runs off of batteries. It uses 2 double A batteries; however it does go through the batteries rather quickly. The Zeno Mini is not equipped for a charger.

The only downfall that we found to the Zeno Mini is the price. We purchased ours at the pharmacy for $79 on sale. However, when you consider the cost of weekly acne meds, you really come out saving money in the long run despite the initial expense of the Zeno Mini.

The directions that come with the Zeno Mini state to still wash your face thoroughly. Although we still buy acne medication, we buy less and can afford to buy the less expensive brands without having to worry about the quality of them.

I would advise giving the Zeno Mini a try. In the long run it really improves acne, and might even save you money on the purchase of acne medications.


  • Experience