The World’s Best Dill Pickle Recipe

8-12 medium size cucumbers or canning pickles

2 garlic cloves, small chunks

4 small onions, sliced

2 heads of dill

2 cups of white vinegar

½ cup canning salt

½ cup white sugar

1 tsp celery seed

2 tsp mustard seed

1 sanitized ice cream pail (1gal&1quart size) with lid

Cold filtered tap water

Wash and slice pickles in half leaving skins on. Pickles will be packed in layers with spices standing up in pail – It works easier to lay the pail on its side while packing. Make 3-4 layers of pickles interspersing the layers of pickles with the garlic, onions and dill.

When the pail is packed, mix the vinegar, sugar, salt, celery seed and mustard seed and pour over the pickles. Fill the remainder of the container with water to within 1″ of the top of the pail. Place the cover on the pail and shake vigorously. Let stand on counter for 24 hrs – occasionally shake the pail. After 24 hours refrigerate. Pickles will be ready to eat in 48 hours.

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