The Weinstein Company Succeeds in the Faces of Critics

The Weinstein Company is the brainchild of brothers Bob and Harvey Weinstein. The company gained success during the 1990s as the production house behind a series of hit films. Though the company fell on hard times in recent years, it bounced back by forming partnerships with some of the biggest studios in the world.

Bob and Harvey Weinstein both gained an interest in films during their formative years. Each was born in New York City, and the family lived there for a number of years. They remember those early years with fondness, though neither particularly loved the cheap housing development where the family lived. Both brothers attended John Browne High School before attending the University of Buffalo and the State University of New York. After college, they launched their first production house, known as Harvey & Corky Productions. This early company produced concert films for rock bands. The company made such good profits that the duo decided to form their own film production house.

The brothers decided to honor their father, Max, and mother, Miriam, by naming the company Miramax. Starting as a small company, Miramax purchased and distributed films for other studios. “Paul McCartney’s Rockshow” was the first film produced by this new company. The company’s biggest success during the early years came when Martin Lewis gave them the rights to Amnesty International benefit shows. After editing the two films, the brothers released “The Secret Policeman’s Other Ball,” which was a smash hit.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Miramax expanded into dramatic films. The brothers carefully handpicked each film they produced, gaining the company a positive reputation in the industry. “The Thin Blue Line” brought them even more fame. This documentary detailed the life of a man wrongly sentenced to death. When he was eventually exonerated, fans credited his release to Miramax.

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Everything changed for the distribution house in 1993. Disney spent $60 million buying Miramax, leaving control in the hands of Bob and Harvey. This was a good decision on the part of Disney, because Miramax had its biggest hits in the coming years. “Good Will Hunting,” “Pulp Fiction,” and “Shakespeare in Love” gained cult status, and each film received Academy Award nominations and wins.

The two men remained in control of Miramax until 2005, when they decided to form The Weinstein Company. The announcement came on March 29, and by the end of September, their new production house was ready. Quentin Tarantino, who credits the brothers with the success of his film “Pulp Fiction,” is on the board of directors. They immediately jumped out of the box with “Transamerica,” which garnered Oscar nominations that same year. They also found a calling with comedic films, most notably “Hoodwinked!” and “Scary Movie 4.”

While the Weinstein brothers received their share of praise, they also experienced some criticism over the years. After Ben Affleck and Matt Damon won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, rumors popped up that the brothers paid other screenwriters to rewrite the script. Other critics claim that the brothers, Harvey in particular, were too heavy-handed when it came to editing foreign films. Fans of the original Asian films “Shaolin Soccer” and “Princess Mononoke” claimed that he edited some of the best scenes out of the film. Harvey responded by pointing out that he only makes cuts that create a stronger film.

Other critics of the pair include the stars of their films. Michael Caine, the star of “The Quiet American” was outspoken about the film’s release. The brothers decided not to release the film in the United States because of concerns over September 11, 2001. Director Phillip Noyce balked and made plans for a screening at the Toronto Film Festival. Caine jumped into the fray, leading to an initial screening at the festival. The film was such a success that it eventually made its way into United States theaters, earning an Oscar nomination for Caine.

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Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer announced a deal in 2006, which lets The Weinstein Company control films, while MGM handles the distribution. The company landed in the news later that same year for an exclusive deal it made with Blockbuster. As part of the deal, Blockbuster has exclusive rental rights during the first month after one of the company’s films is released on DVD.

The success of The Weinstein Company just keeps growing. The brothers made several deals with television stations, earning production rights on shows like “Project Runway” and on three stations that belong to the company. The company also formed partnerships with Showtime and acquired shares in Starz Media. With films such as “The Intouchables” and “Lawless” in the works, The Weinstein Company is undoubtedly poised for great success in the future.
