The Ulcerative Colitis Patient’s Ultimate Wish List

As a sufferer of Ulcerative Colitis, I have noticed recently that the world simply isn’t made for us. Between the lack of awareness about our condition and the lack of resources for us, we often don’t get everything that we need to support our health or our lifestyle. I often find myself wondering, why don’t we have more to help us? Here is my ultimate UC wish list:

More Accessible Support Groups

While some large cities are host to ulcerative colitis support groups, they are not in nearly enough places. Suffering from UC can be a traumatic experience, and it isn’t always easy to talk to friends and family about it. Every place that has colitis patients should have a place where they can congregate to support each other.


I want a restaurant that serves exclusively UC friendly food. The place you can eat whatever you want that is on the menu, and not end up with a flare-up on your hands. They would serve fantastic low-fiber food, without sacrificing the flavors we all love.

UC Icons

In the restaurants that don’t cater to ulcerative colitis patients (that would be all of them, currently), I think it would be a fantastic and easy idea to incorporate limited menu items specifically for those with IBD. They could just put a small icon next to those items, like they do currently for low-cal or heart healthy food. If the heart healthy food icon is a heart, what would we get? A cartoon of a happy lower intestine?

Ulcerative Colitis Restrooms

That’s right. Men’s Room; a big room filled with semi-public stalls. Women’s Room; another big room filled with semi-public stalls. UC Patient Room; a small room with a toilet and lock. And air freshener. Each building should be equipped with the designated IBD bathroom.

See also  Is Crohn's a Disability?

Pocket Air Freshener

If you have had ulcerative colitis for even a day, you know that your knew best friend in public restrooms is air freshener. Ladies, I know we have travel size perfume, but who wants to waste the expensive stuff every time you take a trip to the restroom? Also, do you really want anyone who comes in after you to associate the smell of your own perfume with an attempt at covering unpleasant bathroom odor? There should be pocket air fresheners, so that you can spritz and go.

Public Education

Of all the things about my UC that bother me, near the top of the list is the fact that if my condition comes up in conversation at all, I am asked to explain what it is. I would like to not have to discuss the gruesome details of ulcerative colitis. Since this is such a common thing, why don’t we educate people about it?

In a perfect world, there would be no such thing as ulcerative colitis. This world certainly isn’t perfect, but there are some things that could be done to make UC patients more comfortable in their own skin.