The Top Four Antibiotics Used to Treat Bone Infection

Drugs – – everyone fears them to a certain degree; obviously some more than others. I personally despise taking them. That probably is a result of the many medications I had to take as a child with rheumatic fever.

Unfortunately, my recent foray into severe bone infection has, to say the least, been most enlightening. I’ve learned a lot about infection, in general, and bone infection, in particular. I’ve also learned its effect on the human body and I’ve discovered how an infection in one area can travel through the bloodstream to damage a totally different area altogether.

While my physicians are still battling over my illness; which was damaged first, the bone or the heart, I figure it really doesn’t matter. Infection is infection is infection. It goes where it wants to, it destroys whatever it feels like destroying, and it causes as much pain as it desires.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been fed (through IV) or taken orally more antibiotics than any human should have to take. I’ve had clindamycin, levaquin, amoxicillin and bactrim. It seems that my doctors can’t find one that wants to help with my infection. So I decided to check each drug out myself to see what they are “supposed” to do.

Clindamycin is an antibiotic that is prescribed to help fight off serious bacteria infections. However, it will not treat viral infections like the common cold.

The drug isn’t recommended for people who suffer from the following:

– Kidney disease,
– Liver disease,
Intestinal disorders,
– Crohn’s disease, or
– Eczema.

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Like most medications, it has side effects:

– Diarrhea (could be watery or bloody),
– Clay colored stool,
– Dark urine,
– Urinating less or more often,
– Flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, and body aches),
– Nausea or even stomach pain,
– Low-grade fever,
– Loss of appetite,
– Jaundice (generally most notable in the eye),
– Mild skin rash that itches, and
– Irritation in the throat.

In my case the clindomycin had absolutely no effect on my infection. In fact, it actually got worse very quickly.

Levaquin is used to treat infections that are caused by a particular bacteria. Like bactrim, levaquin is not effective against viral infections. Long-term use of this antibiotic could result in a secondary infection somewhere else in the body; causing the patient to take yet another antibiotic to treat the new infection.

Levaquin should not be taken by those suffering from heart disease or other heart related issues like an enlarged heart, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, or angina. Those with kidney problems, diabetes, or Alzheimer’s should also avoid this particular medication.

Levaquin’s side effects include:

– Nausea and vomiting,
– Dizziness or lightheadedness,
– Confusion,
– Stomach cramps and/or gas pains,
– Diarrhea (especially bloody stools),
– Dark urine,
– Tendon problems,
Joint pain and/or swelling,
Muscle weakness,
– Swelling of the mouth, face, and lips,
– Irregular heartbeat,
– Flu-like symptoms like fever, chill, or sore throat and
– Hallucinations.

While levaquin generally works well for me and had the most dramatic effect on my infection, the doctors took me off of it in order to prescribe something that could be taken more long-term.

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Amoxicillin comes from the penicillin family. It works by altering or interfering with the formation of bacteria while just as it is beginning to grow. Oftentimes, the drug is not strong enough to handle infections that have already taken hold. In those instances, physicians may try the stronger penicillin or change antibiotics altogether.

Overall, amoxicillin has less danger attached to it than most other antibiotics. However, those who suffer from:

– Mononucleosis,
– Heart disease, or
– Diabetes.

Possible side effects include:

– Diarrhea,
– Stomach cramps,
– Nausea or vomiting, and
– Dizziness.

Amoxicillin also proved ineffective against my infection. I didn’t get worse with it, but neither did I get any better.

Bactrim is most commonly used to treat infections such as:

Urinary tract,
– Bronchitis,
Ear infections, and
– Pneumonia.

People taking this medication must avoid contact with the sun or heavy fluorescent lighting. It is also important to look out for the drug’s side effects which include:

– Unusual bleeding,
– Excess bruising,
– Jaundice,
– Headache,
– Dizziness,
– Fatigue,
– Nausea and vomiting,
– Diarrhea, and
– Weakness of muscles.

Unfortunately, it is still too early to see how well bactrim will work for me. I will say this, however, it’s a great drug for those who are trying to curb their eating pattern. I haven’t been hungry at all since I started that regimen.

All medications have limitations and side effects that can be dangerous. Now that you know the ins and outs of these four antibiotics, perhaps you will be better prepared to discuss the drug with your physician when he or she prescribes it.

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Being well informed about drugs prescribed for you can make certain you get the best benefits from the medication. In some instances it could also save your life.